Our environment.

Ali of us realize, that contamination of the eiwironment is one of the main problems in today’s world. Ecologists wam lis that air, water and soil are morę and morę polluted. People cut down forests which are a veiy important source of oxygen. We dnmp sewage to rivers and seas and don’t think that there are so few places, where we can swim or catch fish. People often dnmp litter in the forests, we may see many illegal dumping places near a town or a city. We use fertilisers and pesticides, which results in polluting the soil.

Another problem is, that power stations and our cars emit noxious gases, for example carbon dioxiole or compounds of sulphur. Every year technology is developing which is connected with polluting our Earth. There are morę and morę acid rains, epidemics, animals' death, floods, droughts and illnesses. People, who live in big cities, complain for headaches or difficulties in breathing. Many children in big cities suffer from astlima. For the last several years we have had a problem with greenhouse effect, which is the effect of polluting the atmosphere and destroying ozone layers. People are exposed to ultra-violet radiation. many people have dangerous tumorous illnesses.

Animals also suffer because of people's thouglitlessness. Many fish are killed by the sewage, death of many animals is the result of deforestation.

Many of us realize that we shouldn't disregard these problems. I think we should use ecologically safe products madę from recycled or biodegradable materials. We ought to find the new ways of solving our problems using the achievements of our civilisation - we should produce morę electric cars, wliich don’t emit fumes or cars using natural gas, which don’t pollute our air as well as cars using petrol. Govemments should give morę money for protection of the eiwironment. people should build morę wind and water power-stations. We should take our litter paper, cans, bottles, plastic things to the special places like recycling centres or containers. If we don't want to live in the polluted world, we ought to make an effort and co-operate with each other - then we'll have a chance to live in peace and health -1 think that is our task in the twenty first century.

fumes - spaliny

to complain for... - skarżyć się na... task - zadanie Container - kontener ozone layers - warstwy ozonowe litter - śmieci

thouglitlessness - nieczułość disregard - lekceważyć petrol - benzyna

contamination - zanieczyszczenie cut down - wycinać catch fish - łapać ryby fertilisers - nawozy sztuczne power stations - elektrownie noxious - szkodliwe carbon doxiole - dwutlenek węgla compounds - związki achievements - osiągnięcia flood - powódź acid rain - kwaśny deszcz drought - susza

greenhouse effect - efekt cieplarniany to be exposed to ... - być narażonym na ... tumorous ilness - choroby nowotworowe deforestation - wycinanie lasów natural gas - gaz ziemny


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