HISTORIA GB - LECTURE - 13.10.2011

MANORIAL (dworski) SYSTEM AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT There were manors (big house) in every district. where local lord lived with his serfs (chłop pańszczyźniany). They were working on the lord s land. The lord acted as a local judge as well. In manor people also paid taxes and gathered before war.


a)    limited archeological evidence (limited because Anglo-Saxon used wood)

b)    Ecclesiastical History of the English People (wńtten by monk Venerable Bede)

c)    The Anglo-Saxon Chronicie - saxon annals (roczniki)


Their attacks were not limited to Brrtain (they attacked many parts of Europę).

"Viking" - probably 'pirate*.

They may seem "barbarian*. but they were skillful traders. fish-men. whalers (łowca wielorybów), sailors. merchants. Their strategy was: sudden unexpected attacks.

They began in 8 century.

a)    Norway -> Norwegians (around Scotland. Isle of Man. Ireland)

b)    Danmark -> Danish. settled East Coast


Because monasteries (so: treastres, gold. sihreretc.) were located along the coast.

842 - Vikings raided London

871 - conquest and settlement (Mercia. Northumbria and the most powerful kingdom at that time - Wessex)

King Alfred The Great (871-899) - won battle with Vikings at 878. TREATY:

The Viking (Danish) rule shoiid be recognized in east and north -> Danelaw was founded.

Rest was ruled by King Alfred.

886 - Alfred captured London.

10 century - Vikings from Ireland (towns founded by them: Dublin. Limenck) wanted to gain control of the northern part of Danelaw -> they did. and they founded Kingdom of York (York), but it stopped existing after 35 years.

After Alfred there was a new king -> Ethelred. was not respected by the Danish. so he paid them some money to keep them away. He taxed his people ■> the tax: Danogold.

Ethelred d>ed. Cnut (or Canute) - Danish king had controlled a lot of England already. so Witan decided to grve England to Cnut (1014-1040).

1042 - Wessex rule was restored (przywrócony). Edward the Confessor (1042-66) - he was back from Normandy. He was not interested in bemg king. he was interested in church. Westmmster Abbey - he started building it.

1066 - he died. He had no children (heir ,e»'- potomek). There were few candidates to be a king:


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