Munujuctunnp oj and trud/ne tn esploures. urutyn* and ummum/ionu, wrl/ai fuoduth u mi tedmolug \m mitom) or /„**,, u,un „,fMtrfi uf ('ornr.ii/oa. bf Perm/.cfAuthonsution - I 'uff copacrty for ktył tut i /.i ocąuind ot tłu moment oj bu orni nr: t/n i/iłult. /;/ ISyn oto. c/0yrs oto

"A nu furto person. ,r foto person. orni ,t mu-i orpowte ottymsutionul unit włth foto cupoaty u u der protniom of u teporute A,t. .on,bo Ut t/n ty on iti «m behalf' is u ilefmtion oj: uf A business, bf An entnpnse.ffl A n entrrprrneur *7 W 'huk oj tto foliowishouto be rfo/stered w / lamowie Art nety RetoniC

afi irit partnerstop of two iołetruders. (ff) Repisterni purtnership. cf An nułimtoto entrepreneur ) Professional partnerstop nury be es/abBshed by:

uf \ styl person s only, bf) X ot unii person s oni), cf Ouusi foalpenons oni)

** Superrisory board sbould barn ot teast

of One mentor, bf Two members fc/ Tbtee members


) ourfathertype you the money. ) ‘ou de ci tled to establish a kmited li obi lity comfumy. 7 to sum nf monę) )ou need is sufiicieni if you burt: to 500 euro.bf 1000 fihJfiSÓOOpin « ) *o/e wunt to toconte a '\'passine' 'partner, so you sbould establish: uf Regjsteredpurtnership. (fi^lJjC, c/l Jmited purtnership ]) ( łmirman of the supemsory board sityed the contrad on tohalf oj tto company.

ok. tocause supemsory board represents the company, bf lt's not ok. tocause superrisory board don not repetsent tto company ■$0 If s not ok. tocause two members cf the sapemsory board shouId situ the tontrad

\ ou are a certified audi tor. IJyou want to establish a parlnerskip and limityourfuturę liatobty somehow. you shouto estabłish: uf Rrgs/eredpartnerstop. bf Professionalpartnerstop. fjf lJXi /M ) -su want to make a declaration - angffer to anottor party. \\”hat shouto it indudtl

a! Sonę prmsions ąf the con/radfb) The kry prmsions cf the contrad. cf The fince <f tto contruct escluureły / ? You want to establish a parł ners hip or a company witbout a partner (sinple personpartnerstopf company) ) 'ou may toconte afounder t Rrpistered partnrrstopw/s Professional partnerstop. cf LL£

V( )C1AL COMPETEfcCE './ (Jomnor: law system fundions in: ąf) l:nmd. bf Australia, cf Austria Pofandis:

af A fcderal statety A unitaty State, cf A cathoBc country (acconiintyo tto amstiiution)

By a contra,1 of..............each party commits to transfer to tto ottorparty tto ownentop of u ttonp in e.xchanyt for cotnmii

ownership of another ttonp.

af Sale. (jjischang. cf Conlrad forming

f £ By a ....... ................tto contrador commits to band oper tto farility proridedfor in tto contradperformedin accordume *

techmcal know how. and tto investor commits to eony out tto adions requirtd by tto releuanl rrtylations to prepare the worka, espeae,

construdion site and to delirer tto de sity and to accept tto faaBty and pety tto atyted remuneration.

af Tenancy contrad. $f y Construdion works contrad, cf l^/ase contrad *7 By a ..........................the fu u:na n? party commits. within tto stopę of operaiions of its enferprise. to atfjuirt a fh,

transferem on tto fems and condirions set fortb in tbat contrad and to ffH tto tton* ooer to tto user for use or ,ur

pdfad H and tk u,O- tonom,s ,o pay tk finanaof. paOy in affwi mOaUmnt, monrtary Tmnnnation *?W '» <" *

remuneration at wbieb ttofmananp, party acąuirrd tto lbinf.

'af Isasr contrad. bf Isasing contrad. cf Tenancy ' W A foal ad contrary to tto prinripłes of communit) lift is: af \mujJtd. bf I ’abd, cf Semi-calid


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