
Registering and Unregistering.txt ================================= This file explains about registering and unregistering applications within PTS Toolkit. You might need to do this if PTS Terminal and/or PTS 'Scope give an error when they start: "PTS Terminal not installed properly PTScomm.ocx not found" (similar error for the 'scope) Windows uses as system of "registration" to remember where an application is and what it does (e.g. its file type). This is performed automatically when PTS Toolkit is installed but can be performed manually if necessary. An application call REGSVR32.EXE is required for registration of some parts of the Toolkit. This is often found in C:\Windows\System, but is also on the Toolkit distribution CD. Details will be given for each part of PTS Toolkit. PTS Editor ---------- To (un)register this manually use the command prompt: CD PTSEDIT /regserver this will register PTS Editor PTSEDIT /unregister this will unregister PTS Editor PTS 'Scope ---------- To (un)register this manually use the command prompt: CD \regsvr32 scope.ocx PTSSCOPE /regserver this will register PTS 'Scope \regsvr32 /u scope.ocx PTSSCOPE /unregister this will unregister PTS 'Scope PTS Terminal ------------ To (un)register this manually use the command prompt: CD \regsvr32 ptscomm.ocx PTSTERM /regserver this will register PTS Terminal \regsvr32 /u ptscomm.ocx PTSTERM /unregister this will unregister PTS Terminal QDrive Setup ------------ This is not registered with Windows. Motion Generator ---------------- The file type (.SHP) is associated but the application is not registered. To associate/break the association of .SHP use the "File Types" dialog in Explorer. (Often found in the View menu, Folder Options choice). Operators Panel Editor ---------------------- The file type (.PAN) is associated but the application is not registered. To associate/break the association of .PAN use the "File Types" dialog in Explorer. (Often found in the View menu, Folder Options choice). -------------------------------------------------------------- Registering and Unregistering.txt Michael Dye Quin Systems Ltd. April 2000
