
ÿþNORDEX S T R A T E G I C M A N A G E M E N T Klaudyna Zachajasz, Christopher Frauzem, Matthias Schwennsen, Clif Krupke, Katharina Harms, 7/4/2015 Florian Sandkämper COMPANY " Foundation 1985 in Denmark " >2500 employees " Manufacturer of onshore wind power stations and powerful wind turbines " Product portfolio includes project development of onshore wind farms, control systems and services/sales " Middle-class company, market-listed (TecDAX) " Production plants in Germany and China MARKET " EMEA (Europe-Middle East-Africa) market share 10.5% (2013) " Increasing market share 5.2 % (2012) " Turnover in " Europe 91.4 % " Asia 2.9 % " US 5.7 % " Global market share 3.7 % (2013) PESTEL " Political -The energy turnaround, subsidies, increasing electricity price " Economy - growth of the company leads to decreasing unemployment " Social  green lifestyle in society, growing interest in green issues " Technology  innovative power lines, more efficient turbines, weakwind turbines most important market for Nordex (34% sales volume) " Environmental  limited space for new onshore wind power stations vs. reduction of CO2 emission " Legal  safety law in production facilities, safety aspects concerning the location to build up wind turbines NUMBERS " Outlook 2014 " Strong order intake various markets (Germany, Finland, France, Netherlands an UK) " Focus on improvement in gross margin and earnings quality àðOrder intake - EUR 1.4  1.6 bn àðSales - EUR 1.4  1.5 bn àðEBIT margin - 3.5  4.5 % - bonus salary àðOperating cash flow - positive àðWorking capital ratio - 5% [+/- 5 pp] àðInvestment - Slight increase LIFE-CYCLE ANALYSIS " Growth Phase " Characteristics " Sales push with increasing growth rates àð Market growth KPI s 2012/2013 " Competition entering the market àð Growth market share against competitors " Growing market for manufacturer àð Social interest in green energy is increasing " Main challenges " Ensuring product quality, building brand power and differentiation, segmenting markets àð Strong order intake various markets (Germany, Finland, France, Netherlands and UK) PORTER S FIVE FORCES New competitors AllCon, PNE Wind & Existing competitors may be competitors in the future, Chinese market Suppliers specialized in electrical Current competition and Customers engineering, machine Investors in finance, products engineering, infrastructure funds and Industry growth, small excess capacity, manufacturer of ball energy suppliers product differences bearings, fundaments Substitutes Tidal stream, Solar PV, Biomass, Wave Smallhydro, Geothermal Wind offshore nuclear power station, coal power station PORTER S FIVE FORCES " The intensity of Competitive Rivalry " Medium due to àð There is sufficient scope available in this industry for all the existing players " Bargaining Power of Suppliers " High due to àð Specialists for individual components (rotors/generators) àð Long delivery times of all suppliers àð Pricing pressure  less suppliers vs. many customers " Bargaining Power of Customers " Low to medium due to àð Growing market and bargaining power of suppliers àð Other opportunities in green energy market " The threat of substitute product " Low due to àð Large coast lines àð Cheapest source of renewable power generation  very efficient " The threat of new competitors " Medium due to àð Chinese market is growing but they are concentrated on their own market yet àð Pricing pressure by suppliers lead to higher entry barrier for new competitors CO-OPERATION & TURBULENCE " Co-operation " EnBW  project development for wind farms " Public utility Munich " Company for wind energy in China " Turbulence " Decreasing goals in energy policy " Less subsidies due to changes in politics and government " Decreasing goals for demolition of nuclear power plants " Less efforts for power lines expansions " Global changes  wind industry in china growth " Current climate reports and ecologies CONCLUSION Basically important is& " The bargaining Power of Suppliers " Pricing pressure by suppliers " Market/ Customers " Not even all people decided for green energies " People who decided for green energies do not distinguish àð wind energy vs. other green energies MARKET SEGMENTATION " B2B Marketing " Small and medium-sized enterprises " personal communication " Production-oriented characteristics " Performance " Special products àð no mass production " Special marketing channels " Regional Coverage: " America " Asia " EMEA " Germany, North, West, South " Technology " Individual, flexible production CUSTOMERS " Sachsenfonds 30 " ST Frederikslund 31 " Windpark Altenautal 37 " Jorga S.A. 40 " Enersis 48 " Falck Renewables 61 " NREA (New and Renewable Energy Authority Egypt) 105 COMPETITORS " Enercon 49.6% " Vestas 20.0% " Senvion 16.2% " Nordex 8.4% " Siemens Wind Power 1.3% " GE 1.2% " Basis: 2.992 MW " Market: Onshore Germany SWOT-ANALYSIS Strengths Weaknesses - Diversified businesses - Dependency from - Strong financial political situations position àð equity ratio 32% (march 2014) Opportunities Threats - Global sales - Politics - Innovative concepts - Less subsidies for manufacturers - Energy lines growth is not ongoing CCA-ANALYSIS CCA-ANALYSIS Onshore Products Ability for Innovation Level of Service Adherence to Schedules Price Production Plan SOURCES " " Presentation_2014.pdf " http://www.nordex- " http://www.nordex-[pS]=1361615043&tx_ttnews[pointer]=1&tx_ttnews[ tt_news]=1498&tx_ttnews[backPid]=61&cHash=92ce50047d ",c,14,14/news- presse/newsdetail.html?tx_ttnews[tt_news]=2465&tx_ttnews[backPid]=2&cHash=935ccd4 0aa
