
ÿþTEST English LESSONS 33 36 for Life 9 Name Date ELEMENTARY Write the correct letter, a, b, or c. 1 A (a pilot b chef c driver) flies planes. 2 Andreas (a working b work c works) every day. 3 What (a does she buy b is she buying c buying) at the moment? 4 I m only (a helping to try b try help c trying to help). 5 (a Do they working b Work they c Are they working) now? 6  What s Mum doing?  She (a  s cooking b is cook c cooks) dinner. 7 A (a manager b nurse c chef) looks after ill people. 8 I (a am writing b write c writes) an email at the moment. 9 Hans is a mechanic. He (a repairs b serves c cooks) cars. 10  What (a is he doing b are you doing c do you do)?  I m a chef. 11 Nick s (a hungry b worried c problem) about his job. 12 An estate agent (a serves b takes c sells) houses and apartments. 13  Where do you work?  (a On b In c To) a factory. 14 I (a don t b not c  m not) understand. 15 Ryan (a watches b watch c is watching) TV at the moment. 16 (a What are b What s the c What s) problem? 17 We (a have b  re eating c  re having) coffee at 10 every morning. 18  I hope you (a say b go c get) the job.  Thanks! 19 (a Does she like b Does like she c Do she likes) her job? 20 I only (a am seeing b see c am see) my friends at the weekend. 3 3 MARK OUT OF 20 9 © Oxford University Press. PHOTOCOPIABLE
