
ÿþNAME: DATE: CLASS: SCORE: & & & & & & & & & & & / 15 I. UzupeBnij brakujce litery w wyrazach. (4 pkt) 1. In this state the majority voted for (supported) the candidate who did not win the presidential election. 2. The police acted swiftly and arrested the kidnappers (criminals who take people away) who had abducted a millionaire s child. 3. Equality (having the same rights, status etc.) before the law means that the law should apply to all persons in a consistent manner. 4. Even though apartheid was abolished (ended officially) in South Africa in 1994, the racial problems in this country have not disappeared. II. Dopasuj wyrazy z obu kolumn, tak aby utworzy poprawne wyra|enia. (4 pkt) 1 give a charges f 2 member b a conflict h income c run 3 g car d rights 4 e family- e thief 5 c legal f a speech 6 d press g tax 7 a resolve h of parliament 8 b III. UzupeBnij poni|sze zdania, u|ywajc podanego wyrazu w niezmienionej formie, tak aby zachowa znaczenie zdania wyj[ciowego. U|yj od dwóch do piciu wyrazów. (3 pkt) 1.  You have stolen my handbag, the woman said, pointing at me. ACCUSED The woman accused me of stealing/having stolen her handbag. 2. The government failed to implement changes that would save the economy. SUCCEED The government did not/didn t succeed in implementing changes that would save the economy. 3. Just as I was about to leave, the telephone rang. POINT I was on the point of leaving when the telephone rang. Express Publishing: Matura  Repetytorium. Poziom rozszerzony Quick Test 14A © EGIS PHOTOCOPIABLE IV. Przeczytaj tekst. Do ka|dej cz[ci tekstu (1. 4) dopasuj nagBówek, podsumowujcy jej tre[ (A E) i wpisz w ka|d kratk odpowiedni liter. Jeden nagBówek zostaB podany dodatkowo i nie odnosi si do |adnej cz[ci tekstu. (4 pkt) HOW TO PROTECT ONESELF AGAINST IDENTITY THEFT Identity theft is a fast-growing problem, yet many people do not realize how easy it can be for someone to steal another s identity. Knowing the proper steps for identity theft protection can keep you from joining the 11 million new victims of identity theft every year. 1. D Many people who fall victim to identity theft did not keep their documents safe. In many cases, identity thieves only need one of your financial or identification documents to gain enough information to start using your name and credit to open accounts and make purchases without your consent. Never carry your Social Security card, birth certificate, or medical insurance card in your purse or wallet on a daily basis. 2. E Always use virus and spyware protection programs to avoid getting viruses on your computer that could allow identity thieves to gain access to your personal files, documents, and financial information stored on your computer. Never give out passwords or any financial information. Identity thieves will invariably try to get your passwords through phishing emails, so it is important to never respond to any suspicious-looking email requesting any personal information. 3. B Many people have their license number and phone number added to their cheques for convenience. Most personal cheques already have your name and street address on them, and adding a driver s license or phone number can increase your risk of identity theft. It is better to leave your driver s license number and phone number off of your cheques and instead show the cashier your driver s license when you make a purchase using a personal cheque. 4. A If you suspect that someone might have stolen your identity, immediately place a fraud report or credit freeze on your credit report to avoid any more fraudulent charges. Then, contact your local police department and file a police report, letting them know that you think someone has stolen your identity. Share with the police any other details you may have. Adapted from  A Beginner s Guide to Identity Theft Protection published on A WHAT IF I BECOME A VICTIM? B DON T REVEAL TOO MUCH C MONITOR YOUR CREDIT REPORT D DON T RISK LOSING YOUR PAPERS E PROTECT YOURSELF ONLINE Express Publishing: Matura  Repetytorium. Poziom rozszerzony Quick Test 14A © EGIS PHOTOCOPIABLE


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