Saving the Answer File
When you finish creating the answer file, save it in one of two ways, according to the following table.
If you will install from:
The dcfault file location and na me are:
Save the answer file as:
A compact disc VVDeployVunattend.txt Winnt. sif on a 1.44 MB floppy disk.
A deployment folder ¥¥Distributionfolder¥unattend. txt The
deployment folder,
and name it either
Unattend. txt or a name of
your choice. The file name
must be specified on the
winnt or winnt32
command linę when
starting the installation.
You must change the folder options to enable you to view file extensions
of known file types, or you may inadvertently save the file as Winnt. sif. txt. To
view file extensions, in the folder that contains the answer file, click Tools,
click Folder Options, click the View tab, and then elear the Hide file
extensions of known type option. After saving the file, be surę to remove the
. txt extension if it appears.
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