Bcforc we discuss the steps of thc procedurę, some generał rcmarks arc in order. The first is that the solution procedurę for double stub matching is morę complex and morę indirect that has just been outlined for single stub matching.
One way to describe the procedurę is that, referring to Figurę 3.12, we assemble partial information about the solution in two stages. Firstly we will work at the load end of the
tuner, and express what information we can about the solution as a loeus of points on the Smith Chart. This loeus has the property that the finał solution lies somewherc on it, but we do not know wherc. This loeus corresponds to the partial solution as scen at the referencc piane indicated as A on the diagram of Figurę 3.12.
Then we transfer our attention to thc source end of the tuner, and again express partial information about the solution as another loeus on thc Smith Chart. Again we know that thc finał solution must lic on that loeus. but we do not know where. This loeus
corresponds to the partial solution as scen at thc referencc piane indicated as B on the diagram of Figurę 3.12.
The corc of the solution procedurę is to transform the loeus corrcsponding to thc reference piane B back to the reference piane A at the load end of the tuner to thus derive
a new loeus C. We then have, at the reference piane which has been labelled as both A and C, two dif ferent loci drawn on the Smith Chart on which loci we know the solution
must lic. The solution thcreforc lies at their point of intersection.