r, = a + /frw, + y
rk =a + P ’rMt+£
rt = 0,01 5 + 0,9rwt
Statystyki regresji | |
Wielokrotność R |
0,525 |
R kwadrat |
0,275 |
Dopasowany R kwadrat |
0,254 |
Błąd standardowy |
0,130 |
Obserwacje |
36,000 |
Błąd | |
Współczynniki standardowy | |
Przecięcie |
-0,015 0,022 |
Zmienna X 1 |
0,900 0,251 |
Ordinary Least Sąuares Estimation
************************************************************************ *******
Dependent variable is RA
36 obscrvations used for estimation from 2006M10 to 2009M9 ************************************************************************ *******
Coefficient Standard Error T-Ratio[Prob] -.014831 .021629 -.68569[.498]
.89982 .250% 3.58541.001]
RW ************************************************************************
R-Squarcd .27436 R-Bar-Squared .25302
S.E.ofRegrcssion .12977 F-stat. F( I, 34) I2.8553f.001]
Mcan of Dependent Variablc -.015306 S.D. of Dependent Variable .15015 Residual Sum of Squares .57257 Equation Log-likelihood 23.4588 Akaike Info. Criterion 21.4588 Schwarz Bayesian Criterion 19.8752 DW-statistic 1.9614