Identify the words 1 output 2 item 3 backwards 4 piecework 5 assembly lines 6 sampling 7 workmanship

Answer the q: 1 It would be research, customer, service, marketing.

2    They are working fast but this grated problem with quality.

3    Quality control cannot be inspected into a finished item so instead of just inspecting finished itemsthe inspection phase was extended backwards.

4    It Is costly output time-consuming.

Translate; jak kolwiek odstępstwa od ustalonych poziomów tolerancjii podlegają ustawicznej kontroli i stąd też procesy produkcyjne są poprawiane w celu zapobiegnięcia pojawieniu sie na rynku wadliwych partii.

ANKIETA: anna. kowalska female.

lublin 28thmay 1989. singel, higher in complete education. 888567876.

aniayogird>o2.pl.poniatowaskiego. 34-567lublin, lublin, lublin polish,

podpis:anna kowalskato

słuchanie: F, T, F, F, T, F, T, F, T, F

CZYTANIE1F 2T 3T 4F 5F 6F 7T 8F 9T 10F

Gram mar: lworks 2has been 3takes 4looks after 5was 6stay 7 will achieve 8been given 9was feeding lOmade


From: Kasia To: Ann

Subject: Hi from Poland Hi Ann,

Thanks for your email.

I would like to thank you for witches and I was glad to read the news about you in your email. You wanted to know how l'm getting on... Weil, there's nothing new besides one thing. I broke up with my boyfriend Karol. And that's why at the beginning I would like to tell you about my last weekend.

On Saturday moming a was in very bad mood and I was sitting the front of TV all day and late aftemoon I go out with Magda to the disco. There was her friend Maciek, he was very nice and handsome I gave him my number. He cali to me next day and invite me to the cinema. We have a lot in common and I will meet him next weekend. I will tell you everything next time when I cali to you.

Now I have a lot work to do on my university. I must study because in July I will have three exams and I hope pass them as soon as it possible. Wish me luck.

Thars all for now. I hope to see you soon. Hit me back when you have some free


Love Kasia


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