12 Our women-only storę will be a completely new_for our customers.
a) weapon b) concept c) trend
13 The_group mak es all our clothes and shoes.
a) marketing b) sponsor c) apparel
14 The biggest_we face is global change.
a) threat b) delay c) aspect
15 The danger from competitors_us into finding a solution.
a) madę b) impressed c) galvanised
16 The problem is to keep up with _trends which are constantly changing.
a) shift b) fashion c) creator
3 Write in the missing vowels (a, e, i, o, u) in these sentences.
17 My s n _r manager is vcry_et_v_.
18 The IT r_v_1 t _n ncvcr stops!
19 We had _ct__v_sts outsidc the company and rcccivcd lots of bad p_bl_c_ty.
20 I don’t know whcrc tli esc d_s_gn_rs get their_nsp_r_t__n from!
21 C_st_m_rs choosc us for our r_p_t_t__n.
22 We need to rc-_n_rg_s_our en tire br_nd.
23 R_t__1_rs arc reporting m_s_r_bl_sal es rcsults this ycar.
Pearson Longman ELT