compensation - money paid to someone because they have suffered injuiy or loss, or becaiise something tliey own has been damaged damages - money that a court orders someone to pay to someone else as a punishment for harming them or their property - odszkodow anie comprehensive - complete, fuli, wide - wyczerpujący, obszerny comprise - ind u de - zawierać, obejmować, składać się z
concede - to admit that something is tnie or correct, although you wish it were not true -przyznać się
conciliation - the process of trying to get people to stop arguing and agree - postępowanie pojednawcze
concurrent - to describe sth that is at the same time - jednoczesny, zbierzny conditions - fundamental terms
condone - to accept or forgive behaviour that most people think is morally wrong -
zaakceptować coś
conduct cany out - prowadzić
confidentiality - employee's obligations not to tell anyone about certain 'Information that
belongs t employer - poufność
in connection with - w związku z
constitute - form - stanowić
constraint -restriction - ograniczenie
constructive dismissal - when an employee leaves a job because he or she is very unhappy and the employer is doing notliing to help the situation - zwolnienie pracwonika pod naciskiem dyrekcji
contcmplatc think about sth - rozmyślać, rozważać
contcntious - causing a lot of argument and disagreement between people - sporny contract for service - umowa o dzieło
contribute - to give money towards sth, to give money because you choose to give and not because you must
convcne - to ask a group of people to come together or to attend a meeting - zwołać, zebrać converse - the opposite - przeciwny
conveyancing - transferring the ownership from one person to another
cons okc - to tell people that tliey must come together for a formal meeting - zwołać
covering letter - the name of the letter that a person sends with a job application covenant - endowment - ugoda cover - protection
credit - an agreement madę with a company, shop or bank which makes it possible for >011 to delay payment for an agreed lengtli of time creditor - lender - wierzyciel
criminal ław - laws conceming crimes and their piuiishments - prawo kanie
C.V - a document that tells an employer about a person’s previous experience of work and
what qualifications that person have (am. resume)