
w aive - to State officially that a riglit, rule etc can be ignored becaiise it is not important at the tlme - uchylić

w aiver - a document In which you dsign from your rights of buying the shares at the first place - zrzeczenie się, odstąpienie

w age - money you eam that is paid according to the number of hours, days, or weeks that you work

warrant - guarantee

w arranties - less important terms, their breach is not followed by a breach of contract warranty - guarantee

wear and tear - the reasonable daage caused to sth whe it is used over a long period of time well - motivated - someone ambitious, who wants to work liard

wclfarc fund a fund which is used to care for imion members who may need financial help Wholesale - the business of selling goods in large quantities at Iow prices to other businesses w idc rangę - variety of sth

w ill - a legał document that says who you want your money and property to be given to after you die - testament

w ind up - wind something -» up - to close down a company or organization. w indów dressing - preparing a shop window in an attractive way w ithout prejudice to - having no effect on sth

w ithdraw - to take money out of a bank account - pobierać lub wypłacać pieniądze w ithhokl - to refuse to give Information - odmówić w ith effect from - enforceable from

w ithout prejudice - nothing could later be used in court if the lawyer didn’t reach the setdement

to w ork overtime - to work extra hours to w ork out costs - to calculate w ork to a strict deadline in w riting na piśmie

writ -(US, in UK claim form) - this is the document which begins a civil legał action in court


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