A fuli backup of a data filc includes all uscd blocks of thc data file. A fuli backup can be cither an image copy or backup set.
An incremental backup copies only those blocks in a data file that change bctwecn backups. A level 0 incremental backup, which copies all blocks in the data file, is used
as a starting point for an incremental backup stratcgy.
A level 1 incremental backup copies only images of blocks that have changed sińce the previous level 0 or level 1 incremental backup. Lcvel 1 backups can be cumulative.
in which case all blocks changed sińce the most recent levcl 0 backup are included. or differential. in which case only blocks changed sińce thc most recent levcl 0 or lcvel 1 incremental backup are included.
Incremental backups at level 0 can be either backup sets or image copies. but incremental backups at level 1 can only be backup sets.
A typical incremental strategy makes Ievel 1 backups at regular intervals such as once each day.
During recovery, RMAN will automatically apply both incremental backups and redo logs as required, to recover the database to the exact point in time desired.