If one or morę spccific backups are unavailable becausc of a tcmporary condition, such as a disk drive that is tcmporarily offline or a tape stored offsite, then you can mark those backups as unavailable. RMAN docs not use unavailable backups to restore or recover data.
Notę: Cross-checking all backups in the RMAN rcpository may take a long time, cspecially for tape backups. A cross-check of all files, unlike cross-checking individual files, is handled as a scheduled job.
Managing Backups
9-30 Oracle Database 2 Day DBA
RMAN keeps the record of unavailable backups in the RMAN rcpository and does not dclctc backups listcd as unavailablc whcn you dcletc expircd backups. If the unavailabie backups bccome accessiblc again, then you can mark thcm as availablc.
To mark backups as available or unavailahle:
1. Connect RMAN to the targct database as dcscribed in "Connccting to the Target Database" on page 9-9.
2. Optionally, cross-check backup sets by using the following command:
Cross-checking backups before you delete expired backups provides RMAN with up-to-date information about which backups are expired.
3. Display a summary of the available backups.
List of Backups
Key TY LV S Device Type Completion Time #Pieces #Copies Compressed Tag
1 B A A DISK 24-FEB-07 1 1 NO TAG20070427T115348
3 B A A DISK 24-MAR-07 1 1 NO TAG20070427T115452
4 B F A DISK 24-APR-07 1 1 NO TAG20070427T115456
4. From the output of the LIST command, identify the backup that you want to make availablc or unavailable. Use the valuc displayed in the Key column to identify a backup set.
5. Change the status of the identified backup to unavailable by using the CHANGE command.
The following command marks the backup set 4 unavailabie:
CHANGE BACKUPSET 4 UNAVAILABLE; changed backup piece available backup piece
05/ol_mf_annnn_TAG20120405T075520_7qvdlrsl_.bkp RECID=23 STAMP=779788520
Changed 1 objects to AVAILABLE status
To mark the backup set 4 available, use the following command: