New Fe.it u res

■Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Express (EM Express) is ihe next-generation managcment tool for administration and managcmcnt of individual databases that comcs wilh Oracle Databasc 12c Rclcase 1 (12.1).

In previous Oracle Database releases, Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control (DB Control) was the primary database managcmcnt tool. DB Control is not includcd in this rclcase.

Sec "Introduction to Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Express" on page 3-3 for morę in format ion about EM Express.

■SQL Developer is used to manage schema objects.

Previous versions of this book dcscribed how to manage schema objects using DB Control. This vcrsion describcs how to manage schema objects using SQL Developer.

See Chapter 8, "Managing Schema Objects" for morę information about using SQL Dcveloper.

■Oracle Rccovcry Manager (RMAN> is used to perform databasc backup and recovery operations.

Previous versions of this book dcscribed how to perform databasc backup and rccovcry operations using DB Control. This versk>n describcs how to perform database backup and recovery operations using RMAN.

See Chapter 9, "Performing Backup and Recovery" for morę information about using RMAN to perform databasc backup and rccovcry.


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