Understanding the SQL Developer User Interface

Whcn you start SQL Dcvclopcr. thc SQL Dcvelopcr windo w appcars.

The SQL Developer window generally uses the left side for navigation to find and select objects, and the right side to display information about sclected objeets.

The menus along the top of the page contain standard entrics, plus entries for features specific to SQL Developer.

The left side of the SQL Devcloper window has tabs and panes for the Conncctions and Reports navigators. icons for performing actions, and a hicrarchical tree display for the currently selected navigator.

In the figurę, the HR databasc connection appcars in the Conncctions navigator, and the schema objects for the HR schema appear in thc metadata tree.

The metadata tree in the Conncctions navigator displays all the objects (categorizcd by object type) accessible to the defined conncctions. To select an object, expand the appropriate tree node or nodes, then click the object.

The right side of the SQL Developer window has tabs and panes for objects that you select or open. For example, the object pane in the figurę displays information about a table named EMPLOYEES. (If you hołd the mouse pointerover the tab label — EMPLOYEES in this figurę -- a tooltip displays the objeefs owner and the database connection.)


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