As a database administrator (DBA), you may bc asked to revalidate schcma objccts that have becomc invalid. Schcma objects (such as triggers, proccdurcs, or vicws) might bc invalidatcd when changcs arc madc to objccts on which thcy dcpcnd. For cxamplc, if a PL/SQL procedurę eon tai ns a query on a tablc and you modify table columns that arc refcrcnccd in the query, then the PL/SQL procedurę becomes invalid. You revalidate schema objects by compiling them.
You can usc SQL Developer to run a report that finds invalid schema objects.
To find invalid schema objects:
1. Click the Reports tab to the right of the Connections navigator in SQL Developer. The Reports navigator appears.
2. Expand the Ali Reports nodc, then expand the Data Dictionary Reports node, then expand the Ali Objects node. and then click Invalid Objects.
The Select Connection dialog box appears.
3. In the Select Connection dialog box, select the connection to use. orereate a new connection.
If you want the invalid objects report to include Information about only the invalid objects in your own schema, use a connection for your own schema.
If you want the invalid objects report to include information about invalid objects throughout the database, usc a connection for a privilcged user, such as SYS. In this example, the connection chosen is for the SYS user.
4. Click OK.
The Enter Bind Valucs dialog box appears.
5. Click Apply.
The Invalid Objects tab appears in the object panc. This tab lists the invalid objccts in your schcma or in the database (depending on the connection you specified in the Select Connection dialog box).
6. When you right-click the row for a particular invalid object on the Invalid Objects tab, the Compile option appears. Select that option to recompile the invalid object.