Two meaniiigs of word oimculum;

1)    the airriciilum is an educational program me tłiat States:

a)    the educational purpose of die program me (die ends)

b)    die eon tent. teadiing procedures and leaming experiences which will be necessary to achieve tliis purpose (tłie means)

c)    some means for assessing whether or not die educational ends have been achieved

2)    die curriculum is anodier term for syllabus

Ciirriciiluiu is an official document setting as a framework or a set of guidelines for die teaching of a subject area in a broad and varied context. It States die scope and die goals. die rationale and guiding principles of a teadiing programme in a very broad sense.

Syllabus is a morę particularized document diat addresses a spedfic group of leaniers and teachers, a particular course of study or a partiailar series of textbooks.

Language teadiing syllabuses may be based on:

grammatical items and vocabulary (stnictural syllabus)

die language needed for different types of siniations (situational syllabus)

die meaniiigs and communicative functions which die leanier needs to express in die target

language (notional syllabus)

Syllabus is used in communicative language teaching

notions - concepts and meaniiigs a leanier needs to communicate (time, ąuantity, duration, location)


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