2. There is an approach that e.g. Fimio-Ugric language as well as Basque were spoken in Europę before the diffusion of the Indo-European languages
3. Colin RenfrewTheory; His basie hypothesis is that the proto-Indo-European language spread over Europę, Iran and northem India, at the time that agriculture and animal husbandry were introduced and began to spread into these regions from a centre in south-eastern AnatoIia.(spread of languages as a result of eeonomy contacts). Archaeologists datę tliis transition to a time about 7,000 B.C. Moreover he claims that the agricultural revolution fundamentally changed the demographic situation. People engaged in agriculture grew in numbers much morę rapidly than those that relied upon hunting and gathering. The early sedentary agriculturalists spoke a language from which all the Indo-European languages gradually evolved. Also employlng new kinds of implements and technology, had essential implications for languages.
BR language groups
Baltic group: related to Slavic family than to the Germanie languages
In aneient times spoken by tribes living south of the Finno-Ugric speakers and north of
Slavic speaking people
^ Western Slavs and Eastem Slavs migrated to the Southern shores of the Baltic Since the 15rtł centuiy until WWII the southem part - Judaism Yiddish developed into distinct language
The Great Migration is the name given to the centuries when Germanie and Slavic peoples were on the move throughout central and southem Europę from about 400 A.D. to 600 A.D. Factors: weakness Roman empire and invasion of Huns from the distant stretches of Eastem Europe.-> Germanie people moved towards the west and the south from a habitat in central and northem Europę. From this period the distinction between East Slavic, West Slavic and South Slavic languages originated.
The region under religious division
A borderline between East and West - conceming religion.
The "Icon Wall” has replaced the “Iron Curtain” ( the “Iron Curtain” was a real barrier; the "Icon Wall”, taken as a symbol eastem liturgy and church architecture, is a cultural border). It is the result of the historical development in the Middle Ages that established the boundaries between the Western Church, under the leadership of Romę, and the Eastem Churches (Romę vs. Constantinople).
A borderline between North and South (down in the 16th C - Reformation)
Tire map Qf religion in tire Baltię
• The Orthodo\ Church in the East: Russia, Belarus and Ukrainę.
• Tire Uiiiate Gliurdi in Western Ukrainę - in 1596, in Brest-Lilpysk. the metropolitan of Kiev signed a document agreeing to a imion with the Church of Romę- the members of the Orthodox Church inside the Polish-Lithuanian Empire were taken into the Roman.Catholic Church. They maintained their eastem liturgy and church order but acknowledged). It madę that relations between the Patriarch in Moscow and the Pope of Romę are complicated and in the Europę we have higher diversity in the religion.
• Roman Catholic Church is dominant in the South: East Germany, Poland and Lithuana. [Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic]
• Protestantism is dominant in the North: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and West Germany (Germany: Protestantism vs. Roman Catolic Church), Estonia