The cornerslonc. fragment of Golbie cornice from Ihc Jagidlonian Library in Cracow, 1364. oldest Polish uniecrsily bnitding, makes this Classroom a shrine.
The Jagidlonian Globe also serves as clock and calendar. The limę of day is indicalcd for all points on I lic globe’s sur face by ineans of a star-shaped objęci wlitcłi represeots thesun and Ihe equalorial cirele upon whicli llie liours aro marked. Whcn operat-ing, tbc globe turns one revolu-tion per day, and, once a ycar,
Ihc “son” inoves around its cirdc, the ecliptic. On this eolip-lie eircle (marked willi thezodia-ral constdlalions tlirough whicli llie sun moYes at the ratę of one each month) the inonth and day urny be read.
The inscription on the globe reads as follows: Presented lo Ihc l.nirersily of Pitlsburgh by Ihe Polish National Alliance.
The Cornerslonc
In Ihc wali to the left of the Windows is the corncrstone whicli was placcd in position on June 26. 1938, by 1 lis ICxcellency, Count Jerzy Potocki, ambassndor of the Polish Republic at Washington. An authentic bit of Got hic cornice. t his stone was presented to the faculty of the Univcrsitv of Pitlsburgh by the faculty of the Univcrsity of Cracow for usc as the corncrstone of the Polish Classroom. The stone was taken froni the collection of fragrnents in the universitv niuseum that had bcen preserved froni Ihc Collegium Majus, now the Jagidlonian Library, the oldest of the university buildings, dating back to 1364. A bronze ribbon in the wali above the corncrstone carries the following inscription:
Room dedicated February 16, 1910
June 26, 1938
Original stone froni Jagidlonian Library Jagidlonian t"nivcrsity in Kraków, Polami Establishcd 1364