288.    Podaj nazwę namiotu w kształcie stożka, w którym mieszkają indiańskie plemiona Ameryki Pn.

289.    Nazwa ulicy w Nowym Yorku, która jest finansowym centrum Ameryki.

290.    Podaj tytuł hymnu Szkocji.

291.    Kto jest autorem książki „ Kod Leonarda Da Vinci”.

292.    Nazwa sieci amerykańskich hoteli ( hotele tej sieci znajdują się w Poznaniu i Warszawie).

293.    Które gody obchodzili w listopadzie 2007r. Elżbieta II i książę Filip.


1    Braveheart was a nickname of William Wallace, a............national Hero.

2    The....................Dome is a building established to celebrate the end of the 20,h century.

3    Arnold Schwarzenegger has become the..................................of Califomia

5    The Crown Jewels are kept in.....................

6    William the Conąueror invaded England in the.....................century.

7    The..........................is the national symbol of Scotland

8The.............................is the national symbol of England.

9    The.............................is the national symbol of Wales

10    The............................is the national symbol of Northern Ireland

11    People from New Zealand are often called....................

12    The American name for the word ‘underground’ is...............

14 The........................,which symbolizes the ideals and dreams of American people, is

undoubtedly one of the most famous landmarks in New York.

16    The colour of the traditional telephone booths in London is.................

17    American’s..............................Day is on July 4,h

19..............................is the Capital of the Republic of Ireland

27    The USA stands for......................

28    CNN stands for............................

29    NATO stands for.........................

30    The first immigrants from England to America were known as...................

Jeszce inne pytania

I    .When was the Great Fire of London?

2. What is the population of London today?

3. What are the London taxis called?

4. What is the official residence of the Queen?

5. What is the Mail?

ó.What time is “the changing of the guard”?

7. What are the Royal Mews?

8. What can you see in the Tower of London?

9. What are the Tower of London guards called?

10. Who designed St Paul’s Cathedral?

II    .What is the Westminster Abbey?

12. Where are The Houses of Parliament situated?

13. Where is the Speakers’ Corner?

14. Where can you see the statuę of Peter Pan?

15. Whai is the name of the area of London in which the London Zoo is situated?

16.In which Street is Harrods?


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