
ÿþCombustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 365 373, 2002 Reaction and Strength of a Fiberglass Container under Internal Explosive Loading M. A. Syrunin,1 A. G. Fedorenko,1 and A. G. Ivanov1 UDC 624.074.4:678.067 Translated from Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 127 136, May June, 2002. Original article submitted June 17, 2001. Despite all safety measures in handling objects containing explosives, the probability of their accidental explosion is not completely eliminated. Effective environmental protection against explosions is achieved by localization of an explosion in the closed volume of an explosion-proof container. The use of such containers can considerably improve safety in operation of ammunition and other explosive devices. Key words: container, charge, high explosive, fiberglass plastic, composite material, shell, fracture, strain, strength. The main problems that arise in the development of a mild steel, as was shown in the experiments of [7]. explosion-proof containers (EPC) are the prevention of This ensures fast damping of possible elastic vibrations their unpredicted brittle fracture [1] and minimization which can lead to the development of flexural modes of mass and overall dimensions (for transportability as- and, hence, fracture of the shell under lower loads [8]. surance) with retention of high reliability. These prob- The direction and model of reinforcing of fibrous lems can be solved effectively by using composite fiber composites can be controlled, which makes it possi- rather than conventional structural materials (steel) as ble to produce light and strong structures of EPC of the materials of the load-carrying casing of EPC (the both cylindrical [9] and more compact spherical geome- most material intensive and critical part) [2]. The use tries [3, 4]. Such structures are capable of retaining of these materials eliminates strong scale effects of an their shape when penetrated by high-velocity impactors energy nature and increases the validity of extension of (bullet, debris, or meteor). This was shown experimen- modeling results to full-scale objects. tally for the highly pressurized metal composite cylin- The possibility of designing an explosion-proof con- ders used in aerospace facilities [10]. In addition, the tainer or a containment shell (for example, for nuclear experiments of [11] showed that glass epoxy shells with power plants) with specified maximum specific strength a local defect such as a through crack exhibit rather was discussed in [2 5]. From these papers it follows that high residual resistance to repeated internal explosive for the design of the load-carrying casing of EPC, the loading. most promising materials are fibrous composites based For open cylindrical fiberglass shells under inter- on high-strength glassfibers of small diameter and a nal explosive loading, the limiting specific strengths and polymer binder. Under loading in the direction of the strains are known [2]. In closed structures of EPC, fibers, such composites undergo practically elastic de- the casing is subjected to complex pulsed gas-dynamic formation until fracture. They are not subject to disas- loading, which is transformed into quasistatic loading trous threshold brittle fracture and strong scale effects due to the pressure of the cooling gases and heating of of an energy nature [6], and can be used to produce the load-carrying shell. The complexity of the dynamic shells of required dimensions and shapes by winding. loading processes and the reaction to them, insufficient To gain the most advantage of the strength of a com- information on the mechanical characteristics and frac- posite shell under internal explosive loading in air, it ture strength of the composites used limit the potentials is necessary to reinforce it from inside by a layer of of computational prediction of strength for such struc- tures. In this case, direct tests of full-scale or model 1 specimens are required to estimate the real margin of Institute of Experimental Physics, Sarov 607190; 0010-5082/02/3803-0365 $27.00 © 2002 Plenum Publishing Corporation 365 366 Syrunin, Fedorenko, and Ivanov Fig. 1. Diagram of EPC: 1) casing (fiberglass); 2) plug (foam plastic); 3) damper (foam plastic), 4) stud with fasteners for mounting a HE; 5) HE charge; 6) interior hatch cover; 7) diaphragm; 8) measuring rod with a contact blade; 9) support-transport unit; 10) junk-ring (rubber); 11) fit ring; 12) split ring; 13) supporting ring; 14) hath cover; 15) mantle ring; 16) stud; 17) screw-nuts; 18) lead-ins. safety of EPC. Data from explosive tests of spherical sure a smooth thickness profile at the joints of the cylin- containers made of composite materials are presented der with the hemispheres. They alternate with layers in [3, 4]. In some cases, for extended explosive loads, of spiral wounding in four zones with angles Õ of ±17æ% EPC of a cylindrical shape are preferred, and they are to ±42æ%. The actual thickness of the fiberglass plas- considered in the present paper. tic measured at the bottoms varied from the minimum The goal of the experiments described here was to [(9 ± 2) mm at the joint of the cylinder with the sphere] determine the dynamic reaction and limiting strength to the maximum [(21 ± 4) mm near the flanges of the characteristics of the main load-carrying elements and fillers]. The protection of the loading hatches against structure of a cylindrical EPC which has a casing made high pulsed loads toward the bottoms is ensured as in of oriented fiberglass plastic under explosion of a high [12] by dampers and plugs of heat-resistant PPU-KF explosive (HE) in its chamber. foam plastic of density H"100 350 kg/m3, which re- stricts, similarly to foam polystyrene [13], the pressure exerted on the bottom under both static and dynamic compression. The dampers are separated from the inte- EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUE rior of the chamber by steel plates (diaphragms). The The casing of the tested container model2 is a two- foam plastic dampers and the diaphragms are fitted layer cylindrical shell bounded by hemispherical bot- with loading orifices along the container axis, whose di- toms with loading hatches (Fig. 1). The interior metal ameter coincides with the filler orifices and is equal to layer with an outer diameter of 500 mm is fabricated 105 mm. Hatch sealing is provided for by covers with by welding from 2-mm-thick sheet steel (St. 3); in the fasteners (see Fig. 1). After placement of a HE charge in central part, it is 3 mm thick. The loading hatch fillers, the chamber, covers are put on the orifices in the casing made of high-strength tough steel (with a yield strength and the diaphragm, and the damper orifices are stopped of 600 800 MPa), are welded to the shell. The outer with foam plastic plugs. The density of foam plastic for load-carrying layer of the container is made of filament- the plugs is approximately twice smaller than that for wound fiberglass plastic of width ´ H" (17 ± 4) mm the main dampers to decrease the pressure exerted on with alternation of double layers of spiral and tangen- the casing by the plugs. The fiberglass layer of the con- tial reinforcing. This design of the casing ensures its tainer casing is fabricated by wet wounding of strips highest specific explosion-proofness in the central zone, of roving based on VM-1 high-modulus magnesium which was determined in experiments with open cylin- aluminosilicate fiberglass of 0.01 mm diameter impreg- drical metal composite shells [2]. The layers of the cir- nated by ÉDT-10 epoxy binder [14]. cumferential wounding (with an angle to the generator A general view of the EPC models is given in Fig. 2. <" Õ 90æ%) have different lengths of wounding in the range The leading particulars of the tested casings are listed = of 94 100% of the length of the cylindrical part to en- in Table 1. 2 For some purposes, this EPC design can be considered full- scale. Reaction and Strength of a Fiberglass Container under Internal Explosive Loading 367 TABLE 1 Model number Parameters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total mass of EPC [kg] 189 205 208 188 178 200 216.5 Mass of the steel casing [kg] 105 124 125 109.3 111.4 111.3 115.5 Thickness of the load-carrying fiberglass 13.3 14.2 15.9 12.9 15.8 20.9 15.8 plastic shell in the central section [mm] ±0.3 ±0.6 ±0.3 ±0.2 ±0.6 ±1.0 Number of braids in spiral layers 12,095" 12,095" 12,224 12,432 12,976 12,992 12,432 Number of braids in tangential layers 11,760" 11,760" 11,780 10,416 9466 9088 11,680 Density of the dampers [kg/m3]:  loading compartment (on its side the HE charge is placed and initiated) 188 359 344 188 207 196 251  measuring compartment (on it side, the rod for measuring the motion of the diaphragm and all gauges are located) 177 325 338 184 215 185 258 Note. Minimum values of the engineering design specifications are marked by asterisk; the remaining values are ratings. a of a HE charge (50/50 TNT/RDX) of mass MHE. In experiments of the first type on testing the strength of the central zone of the casing, spherical charges were used. In experiments of the second type, in which we tested the margin of safety under longitudinal loading of the bottoms, the charge was spherical and the axis of the cylindrical part of the HE was directed along the chamber axis, and the diameter of the HE cylinder was b H"0.5 mm smaller than the diameter of the loading ori- fice. The mass of the cylindrical spherical HE charge was varied by changing its length, which is equal to the diameter of the sphere bounding the HE at the butts. In the bottom strength tests, the casing was wrapped on the outside by lead strips 50 40 mm wide and 4 5 mm thick to prevent fracture of the central zone, and the rings were fastened by a binding wire (Fig. 2b). The number of strips in different longitudinal sections was c Central section of casing determined according to [15], so that detachment of the 75 50 50 50 175 strips, taking excess momentum, decreased the defor- mation of the central zone of the casing to a permissible " 4 5 1 2 value. An example of distribution of the strips is shown 3 in Fig. 2c. The specific explosive load on the central (most severely loaded) cylindrical part of the model (in the Fig. 2. General view of EPC models: (a) molel No. 1 after type 1 experiment; (b) model No. 7 before type 2 experiments on testing its circumferential strength) was experiment; (c) diagram of winding by lead strips in characterized by using the dimensionless relative mass an experiment with model No. 7 for " = 25 (1), 16 of the charge ¾ = MHE/M", where M" is the mass of (2), 12 (3), 5 (4), and 4 mm (5). a two-layer (a layer of steel 3 mm thick and a layer of fiberglass plastic of thickness ´ [mm]) cylindrical shell METHODS OF RECORDING of length 4R (R = 247 mm is the internal radius of the The loading device was placed at the geometrical shell). Using this parameter, it is possible to compare center of the container model, whose chamber was filled the tested EPC models and open tubular shells. with free air (see Fig. 1). The loading device consisted 368 Syrunin, Fedorenko, and Ivanov In the present tests, as in [2 4, 7, 8], the following parameters were recorded (with an error less than 10%):  radial displacement of the outer surface of the casing in the central section versus time, determined by photorecording (type 1 experiments);  hoop and meridional strains of the outer surface of the casing with time in different longitudinal sections, hoop strains of the filler flange in sections at 3 5 mm from its butt and strains at the center of the cover mea- sured by strain-gauging;  temperature variation on the outer surface of the steel layer the chamber casing in three sections, Fig. 3. Distribution of maximum hoop strains over recorded by Chromel Copel thermocouples; the length of the EPC casing in type 1 experiments  axial displacement of the center of the di- (points of group A) and type 2 (points of group B). aphragm located on the side of the measuring filler, detected by an electrocontact procedure and (or) high- speed schlieren photography of the motion of the edge of a contact knife on a draw-out rod mounted on the diaphragm (see Fig. 1);  axial displacement of the filler butt determined by schlieren photography (mainly, in type 2 experi- ments). After the experiments, we measured the fractured or deformed elements. The construction was cut to check the state of its interior elements. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Fig. 4. Distribution of maximum longitudinal strains over the casing length. The main results of the experiments are given in Table 2, where µy,1 is the maximum hoop strain of the casing, µx,1 is the maximum longitudinal strain of the TESTS OF THE STRENGTH casing, µx is the maximum average longitudinal strain ¯ OF THE CENTRAL ZONE of the casing, evaluated from the ratio of the maximum (TYPE 1 EXPERIMENTS) longitudinal displacement of the filler butt to the half- length of the casing L (see Fig. 1), µy,fl is the maximum hoop strain of the filler flange, µx,cov is the maximum Models of the container in most of type 1 exper- strain in the center of the cover, and µd is the longitudi- iments on testing the strength of the central zone of ¯ nal average strain of the damper [µd = (W0-Wcov)/W0, the casing retained their structural integrity. The seal- ¯ where W0 = 0.064 m3 is the initial volume of the ing filler covers and the fillers themselves did not have damper and Wcov is the volume of the damper under residual strains and were not damaged. Their fastening its maximum compression, calculated with allowance for elements (supporting ring, studs, etc.) also completely the measured maximum displacement of the center of retained structural integrity although they had residual the diaphragm and its actual deflection, which reached strains. Because of the presence of the measuring rod H"4 42 mm, according to measurement results]. and unsealed leads in the covers, it was not possible to Figures 3 and 4 show distributions of maximum provide for complete sealing of the interior volume of hoop and longitudinal strains, respectively, over the the EPC chamber in the experiments. In spite of this, length of the casing x (x is reckoned along the generator exhaust of the explosion products proceeded for a time from the central section). Typical time oscillograms of of more than H"10 min. Consequently, the strength of hoop and longitudinal strains in the central section are the casing in these experiments was tested not only for shown in Fig. 5. Figure 6 shows the casing of the EPC the action of the pulsed loading component but also for after tests with damage of the central zone and under the action of the maximum quasistatic pressure of the fracture by longitudinal loading. explosion products. Reaction and Strength of a Fiberglass Container under Internal Explosive Loading 369 A comparison of curves of µy(t) for the central sec- tion of the tested models shows that their dynamic re- actions and, hence, the elastic properties their load- carrying layer are similar (see Fig. 5). The limiting hoop strain of the fiberglass layer of the container casing was determined in previous experi- ments with open tubes and simplified models of 400 mm diameter EPC with a similar reinforcing scheme, and it was H"3.5 3.9% [5, 16]. For µy,1 = 3.5%, the tested mod- els show damage of the composite layer in the form of ruptures and spalls of the 1st and 2nd outer layer (with a total number of layers of more than 30) in the central zone of the container but fracture of the casing with formation of a through crack and escape of explosion products through it did not occur. In the experiments with model Nos. 1 and 3, the levels of maximum strains were close: µy,1 H" 2.6 2.67%. In contrast to model No. 1, which was tested just af- ter manufacture, model No. 3 was tested in about nine years of storage in an unheated location. Such long- term storage has not affected the carrying capacity of the container model, and the attained maximum strains were 25 23% below the limiting value (3.5%) for the load-carrying casing of the EPC. An analysis of oscillograms from strain measure- ments shows that circumferential and meridional oscil- Fig. 5. Strains versus time: (a) hoop strain in the cen- lations were excited in the shells, which had dominant tral section (type 1 experiments); (b) longitudinal strain periods Ty = (380±25) µsec and Tx = (280±30) (340± in sections at the joint of the cylindrical casing with the spherical bottom (type 2 experiment with model No. 7). 15) µsec. By estimates, these periods correspond to the radially symmetric vibration mode of a cylindrical shell and to the longitudinal vibrations of the bottoms with dampers and diaphragms as localized masses connected by an elastic element, whose role is played by the cylin- drical part of the shell. The nature of the distribution of µy,1 along the axis of the containers (points of group A in Fig. 3) is similar to the distribution of the radial momentum of the gas-dynamic load along the cavity in [8]. The rise of this distribution in the region x/R = 1.5 2.0 does not exceed the maximum strains at the center and corresponds to the initial position of the diaphragm x/R = 440/247 = 1.78. It is due to the focusing of the gas-dynamic flows of explosion products at the cor- ner points of the cylindrical part of the casing and the Fig. 6. View of the broken down model No. 4. associated increase in the pressure pulse on the casing wall in this zone. The maximum values of µy,1(¾) for the EPC mod- els (including the data for similar models given in [5]) The load-carrying shell of the models practically processed by the least squares method have the shape was not damaged. However, at a high level of maximum of the linear dependence µy,1 = 170.2¾ (Fig. 7). This hoop strains (e"3.5%) ruptures and spalls occur in the dependence is close to that obtained for similar open circumferential direction of narrow strips of the 1st and metal-plastic tubes [16]. This suggests that the edge 2nd outer layers of fiberglass plastic in the most severely effects and  closedness do not affect the maximum loaded region of the central section. 370 Syrunin, Fedorenko, and Ivanov Reaction and Strength of a Fiberglass Container under Internal Explosive Loading 371 Fig. 8. Strain of the damper versus the ratio of the HE mass to the mass of the damper: the filled point corresponds to the experiment with fracture and sep- aration of the bottoms (the arrow indicates that the strain of the damper could be larger in the absence of fracture). Fig. 7. Maximum hoop strain versus specific explo- sive load of the tested models and those indicated in [5]): points refer to models of 1500 mm diameter [5], For model Nos. 1 and 3, the maximum volumetric points refer to model Nos. 1 and 2, points æ% refer strains of the damper were 63.3 and 13.7% at damper to models of 400 mm diameter [5] (not disintegrated), points " refer to models of 400 mm diameter [5] (dis- densities of 177 and 338 kg/m3, respectively. In the integrated), and point refers to model No. 3; the experiment with model No. 2, where the explosive load dashed line is a linear approximation of the data. was H"40% higher than that for model Nos. 1 and 3, the strain of the damper was 26.2% for a damper density of 325 kg/m3. This indicates that this parameter depends markedly on both the density of foam plastic and the hoop strain in the central section of a cylindrical shell explosive load. of length H"4R, which is explained by the shorter time The energy absorption of the foam plastic damper of attainment of maximum hoop strain (H"150 200 µsec, with fixed strain is an increasing function of its mass Fig. 5a) in the central section as compared to the min- Md = Á0/W0, and in the case of constant volume W0, it imum time of travel of elastic perturbations from the is a function of its density Á0 [13]. Under explosion, the center to the butt of the shell and back (by estimates, energy that should be absorbed by the damper consists H"500 µsec). of the kinetic energy of the diaphragm due to the pulsed gas-dynamic action of the explosion and the work of the residual pressure of the explosion products in displac- ing the diaphragm. Both these components are propor- LIMITING STRENGTH OF EPC tional to the HE mass (for HE of constant composition) UNDER LONGITUDINAL LOADING [17]. The ratio MHE/Md characterizes the  degree of (TYPE 2 EXPERIMENTS) loading of the damper. A curve of µd(MHE/Md) is plotted in Fig. 8 to generalize the experimental data obtained. For a spherical HE charge, the maximum longitu- When the model was loaded by an explosion of a dinal strains µx,1 of the casing did not exceed 1.74%, cylindrical spherical HE charge of increased mass in the and they were reached near the central section (see Ta- longitudinal direction, the bottoms were cut by the edge ble 2 and Fig. 4). Even smaller longitudinal strains were of the diaphragms at µde"75% and the edge of the di- recorded in the region of contact of the cylindrical cas- aphragm was displaced from the initial position at a ing with the bottom: µx,1 = 1.2%. This is due to the distance of e"260 mm, i.e., in the section at a distance fact that in this case, dampers operated in the region of along the generatrix of more than 700 mm from the relatively low strains (d"60%, Table 2) and, hence, low central section (see Fig. 6). The dark point in Fig. 8 compressive strains of foam plastic. corresponds to this experiment. Thus, the range of lim- iting values for the ratio of the HE mass to the mass of 372 Syrunin, Fedorenko, and Ivanov the damper is determined: 16.5 < MHE/Md < 19.1%. HEATING OF THE It should be noted that the dependence µd(MHE/Md) is EXPLOSION-PROOF CONTAINERS nonlinear (which agrees with the nature of nonlinearity of the diagram of uniaxial compression of foam plastic Temperature measurements were conducted on the [13]), and at MHE/Md > 10%, it varies only slightly. outer surface of the metal layer of the shell in three That is, the limiting strain of the damper cannot be a sections at x = 10, 240, and 640 mm from the cen- reliable criterion for the closeness of the loading to the tral section. The maximum heating of the metal shell fracture value. In experiments without disintegration was 106æ%C at the time of 10 12 sec after firing of the with a rather large strain of the damper (µd > 70%, charge in the section x = 240 mm, where the thick- model Nos. 5 7 in Table 2), the strains of the shell ness of the steel layer is 2 mm (experiment with model recorded in the zone of action of the diaphragm on the No. 3). The temperature of thermal stability for epoxy casing did not exceed 2.1% (see Figs. 3 and 4), which is resin is H"300æ%C, and for fiberglass, it is much higher. much smaller than the limiting hoop strain in the cen- Therefore, the possible operating temperature range for tral section  e"3.5%. Hence, they also cannot be a fiberglass plastic in the model is approximately three criterion for characterizing the closeness of the load to times lower than the temperatures at which this fac- the fracture value. In addition, using strains of the shell tor can lead to deterioration of the strength properties at the bottoms as a strength criterion is also undesirable of the fiberglass plastic. In addition, heating of the because of a rather large spread of measurement results steel occurs much later than the time of action of the in the zone of possible fracture (see Figs. 3 and 4). In maximum quasistatic pressure of the explosion products this zone, the action of the diaphragm edge on the shell (H"1 msec), which decreases manifold after 10 12 sec be- can lead to a considerable stress concentration due to cause of thermal losses and energy expenditure in com- edge effects (see Fig. 5b). Therefore, as a criterion char- pression of dampers. acterizing the possibility of fracture of the bottoms, the Observation of the state of the foam plastic ratio MHE/Md or (at constant density of the damper) dampers showed that in the region of the slot between the quantity MHE are preferred. the diaphragm and the casing, there was a ring burnt In this case, the limiting mass of the HE for EPC cavity (with a volume less than H"5% W0), and in the with dampers of density H"180 200 kg/m3 is in the range zone of the plug there were insignificant burn-throughs of 1.954 2.169 kg, and for a damper density of more but all these factors practically do not influence the ser- than 250 kg/m3, it exceeds 2.249 kg (see Table 2). For viceability of the damper. the indicated maximum mass of the HE, model No. 7 was not disintegrated but the longitudinal strains of the casing shell in the section x = 700 mm increased to H"2.1% (see Fig. 4), which indicates approach to the CONCLUSIONS fracture loading. By loading the container by an explo- sion of a spherical HE charge with diameter not greater The tests of the EPC models showed that the than the diameter of the container filler (HE mass not closedness of the casing shell and long-term storage do more than H"1.4 kg), it is impossible to implement this not influence its specific strength under explosive load- fracture mechanism (because the attainable strains of ing and the limiting deformation characteristics (within the damper are not more than 63%). an errors larger than 20 25%). The damper protection It should be noted that for higher damper densi- of the bottoms and loading filler covers made of foam ties (250 350 kg/m3), another reason for the absence plastic of density 180 350 kg/m3 used in the EPC en- of fracture of the bottoms by the edge of the moving sures their structural integrity and a decrease in the lon- diaphragm is that the fracture pressure from the foam gitudinal strains of the casing to a value much smaller plastic on the bottom is attained earlier. In this case, than the limiting strains of the casing determined in disintegration occurs at smaller strains of the damper by the hoop direction. The margin of safety of the tested separation of the bottoms along the most highly stressed models in the longitudinal direction under loading by section of the fiberglass plastic, and the limiting explo- explosion of a spherical HE charge is much higher than sive load may not correspond to the established criterial their margin of safety in the central zone of the casing. values for smaller damper density and should be studied The longitudinal strength of the casing can be increased additionally. by increasing the density of the dampers from H"200 to H"300 kg/m3. The load on the central zone, in which the HE charge is located, can be increased by placing an ad- ditional mass (for example, of lead), which fits closely Reaction and Strength of a Fiberglass Container under Internal Explosive Loading 373 to the shell and separates from it under an explosion, 6. A. G. Ivanov and V. N. Mineev,  Scale effects in frac- or by increasing the thickness of the shell layers in the ture, Combust. 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