
ÿþAVR109: Self-programming page at a time. When erasing the pro- Features 8-bit gram memory, the Z register is used as " AVR109 Code Fits in All AVR® page address. When writing the program Microcontrollers with Boot Block RISC memory, the Z register is used as page " Read and Write Both Flash and or word address, and the r1:r0 register EEPROM Memories Microcontroller " Uses the AVRProg Protocol pair contains the data. When setting the " Read and Write Lock Bits Boot Loader lock bits, the r1:r0 register pair contains the data. For a more in-depth description on how this is done, Application Introduction please refer to the device datasheet, This application note describes how an where a detailed description of SPM Note AVR with the SPM instruction can be usage is presented. The SPM instruction configured for self-programming. The can access the entire Flash, but can only AVR communicates via the UART with be executed from the boot section. a PC running AVRprog programming software. This enables FLASH and Memory Organization EEPROM programming without the need for an external programmer. The memory is divided into pages of 64 words each. An 8-Kbit device has 64 A Boot Load program is placed inside pages, a 16-Kbit device will have 128 the Boot Section of the Flash memory. pages, and so on. This program handles communication with the host PC, and facilitates pro- Figure 1. Memory Sections gramming of both Flash and EEPROM. Once programmed, different levels of Program Memory protection can be used to protect the memories. The AVR offers a unique flexibility, setting different levels of pro- tection on the Boot and Application Application Flash Section areas of the Flash memory. Individual protection levels can be selected for both portions of memory. SPM Explained SPM can be used to erase a page in pro- gram memory, to write a page in program memory that has already been erased, filling the temporary page buffer Boot Flash Section and to set Boot Loader lock bits. In other devices, an entire page is programmed simultaneously after first filling the tem- AVR microcontrollers with the self- porary page buffer. In all cases, the programming feature have their memory program memory must be erased one organized in two main sections; the Rev. 1644A 03/00 1 Application Flash section and the Boot Loader Flash sec- protect the Boot Loader software from unintentional soft- tion. The size of these two sections is device dependent ware changes. and for most devices, scalable. In this case, the Boot The self-programming feature opens for the possibility for a Loader size can be changed through the BOOTSZ fuses. user to upload code in an attempt to read out the contents This feature allows for utilizing the memory where it is of the Boot Loader itself. To prevent this, no interrupts are needed. Applications requiring a simple Boot Loader can available while executing instructions in the Boot Section if allocate more Flash to the Application section. LPM Read is disabled for this section. Special care should be taken when setting the lock bits to eliminate the possibil- ity of hostile attacks on the Boot or Application section Security Issues code. Writing to the Flash memory is only allowed in a limited SPM enable time window. To prevent accidental writing to Protocol the Flash memory, all write operations must be executed with the SPMEN I/O bit set. This bit enables the SPM The Boot Loader software presented in this application instruction for the next four cycles. If set together with note uses AVRprog (available free from either BLBSET, PGWRT or PGERS, the following SPM as the user interface. The protocol used by the Boot Loader instruction will result in setting Boot Lock bits, doing a Page program is the protocol defined for AVRprog. The Boot Write or Page Erase, respectively. If only SPMEN is set, Loader software does not support the complete command the following SPM instruction will store the value in r1:r0 in set. A list of supported commands are shown in Table 1. All the temporary page buffer addressed by the Z pointer. commands start with a single letter. The programmer The Boot Lock Bits allow the user: returns 13d (carriage return) or the requested data after the " To protect the entire Flash from a software update by the command is finished. Unknown commands are replied with MCU a  ? . " To protect the Boot Loader Flash section from a software Table 1. AVRProg Commands update by the MCU while the application section is modified Host Writes Host Reads " To only protect application Flash section from a software ID Data Data update by the MCU Enter Programming Mode  P 13d " To allow software update in the entire Flash Auto Increment Address  a dd " To prevent LPM instructions executed in Application Set Address  A ah al 13d Section to read from the boot section Write Program Memory, Low Byte  c dd 13d " To prevent LPM instructions executed in Application Section to read from the application section Write Program Memory, High Byte  C dd 13d " To prevent LPM instructions executed in the boot section Issue Page Write  m 13d to read from the application section Read Lock Bits   r dd " To prevent LPM instructions executed in the boot section dd to read from the boot section Read Program Memory  R (dd) A more detailed description of the BLB0x and BLB1x bits Read Data Memory  d dd can be found in the Memory Programming section of the device datasheet. Write Data Memory  D dd 13d The program code within the Boot Loader section has the Chip Erase  e 13d capability to read from and write to the entire Flash, includ- Write Lock Bits  l dd 13d ing the Flash Boot section. The Boot Loader can thus Write Fuse Bits  f dd 13d modify itself, and it can also erase itself from the code if the feature is not needed anymore. Special care must be taken Read Fuse Bits  F dd if the user allows the Boot Loader section to be updated by Read High Fuse Bits  N dd leaving Boot Lock bit 11 unprogrammed. An accidental Leave Programming Mode  L 13d write to the Boot Loader itself can corrupt the entire Boot Loader, so further software updates might be impossible. If Select Device Type  T dd 13d it is not necessary to change the Boot Loader software Read Signature Bytes  s 3*dd itself, it is recommended to program the Boot Lock bit 11 to 2 AVR109 AVR109 Table 1. AVRProg Commands (Continued) Repeated until all data sent: When all data is transferred Host Writes Host Reads AVRprog : A to set address of last page ID Data Data AVRprog : m to write last page Return Supported Device Codes  t n*dd 00d AVRprog : L to leave programming mode Data is then verified by executing the following sequence: Return Software Identifier  S s[7] AVRprog : P to enable programming Return Software Version  V dd dd AVRprog : A to set address Return Hardware Version  v dd dd AVRprog : R to read program memory Return Programmer Type  p dd ATmega161:two bytes containing program data. AVRprog continues sending  R until all data is read and Set LED  x dd 13d finishes the sequence by sending  L to leave programming Clear LED  y dd 13d mode. When AVRprog.exe is executed, it searches for any sup- ported programmers on the available COM ports. It uses Program Description 19.2 kbps 8N1 (8 databits, no parity bits and one stopbit) The main program starts by checking if programming is to communication; the receiving UART should for this reason be done, or if the program in the Application Code Section be configured to this speed and mode. is to be executed. In this application this is indicated by the Assuming communication with an ATmega161, the value of register PIND. If a user-specified pin on port D is sequence for determining programmer type is as follows: held low during reset, the program enters programming AVRprog :4  ESC : flushing the UART buffers. mode (the pin can be selected in the main.c source code). AVRprog : S to get software identifier If this pin is high, program execution starts from address MegaAVR : AVRB161 (boot loader). AVRprog accepts $0000 (as if an ordinary reset had occurred). any string consisting of seven characters starting with the three characters  AVR . Figure 2. Main Program Execution AVRprog : a to ask for auto address incrementing megaAVR : y (Yes) Start AVRprog : t to ask for supported devices? megaAVR : 60 for mega161 and  00 to indicate end of list Init PORTD. AVRprog : T and  60 to tell programmer that ATmega161 is selected AVRprog : y +dd  y +dd  y +dd  x +dd to activate LEDs. The sequence for programming is as follows: PinD,x No low? AVRprog :3  ESC : flushing the UART buffers. AVRprog : T and  60 to tell programmer that ATmega161 is selected Yes Execute program AVRprog : P to enable programming in Application AVRprog : e to erase application area Code Section. No Command AVRprog : P to enable programming received? AVRprog : A to set address=0x0000 AVRprog : A to set address to start programming from No Valid AVRprog : c to send low data byte command? AVRprog : C to send high data byte When the temporary buffer is full: AVRprog : A to set address of page AVRprog : m to write page Execute associated task. Then continues with: AVRprog : c to send low data byte AVRprog : C to send high data byte 3 RSEG CODE(0) In programming mode, the program receives commands from AVRprog via the UART. Each command executes an RSEG UDATA0(0) associated task. This program does not use the LED com- PUBLIC fill_temp_buffer mands but the command is implemented in order to PUBLIC write_page prevent AVRprog from losing synchronization. Any com- PUBLIC write_lock_bits mand not recognized by the Boot Loader program results in PUBLIC read_program_memory a  ? being sent back to AVRprog. EXTERN ?CL0T_1_40_L08 RSEG CODE Main.c #include "iom161.h" The main.c program handles communication with the host write_page: PC and executes the received commands. Figure 2 shows a flowchart illustrating the operation. MOV R31,R17 Note: As shown in Figure 2, once the Boot Loader routine is MOV R30,R16 ;move address to z pointer (R31=ZH entered, the only way to exit is through a reset of the R30=ZL) device. OUT SPMCR,R20 ;argument 2 decides function SPM ;perform pagewrite Serial.c RET The UART routine (serial.c) implements simple polled UART routines. As described earlier, the reason for doing fill_temp_buffer: this polled is that for certain Boot Lock Bit settings, inter- MOV R31,R21 rupts are not permitted in the boot section. MOV R30,R20 ;move address to z pointer (R31=ZH R30=ZL) MOV R1,R17 Assembly.s90 MOV R0,R16 ;move data to reg 0 and 1 All routines using SPM are written in assembly. This is LDI R18,0x01 done in order to avoid conflicts in the code. The SPM com- OUT SPMCR,R16 mands require data to be placed in both the Z register SPM ;Store program memory (r31:r30) and in the r1:r0 register pair. This could be done RET in C code, but writing in assembly simplifies the task of con- trolling these register pairs and reduces overhead C code. read_program_memory: MOV R31,R17 ;R31=ZH R30=ZL Calling the Assembly Routines MOV R30,R16 ;move address to z pointer Two of the assembly routines have dual functions, depend- SBRC R20,0 ;read lockbits? (second ing on the second argument sent to them: argument=0x09) void write_page (unsigned int addr, unsigned char OUT SPMEN,R20 ;if so, place second argument in function); SPMEN register The first argument is the address of the page to write. The LPM ;read LSB second argument indicates the function to be performed. MOV R16,R0 Function = 0x05 results in writing the page to program INC R30 memory. Function = 0x03 results in erasing the page. unsigned int read_program_memory(unsigned int addr, LPM unsigned char function); MOV R17,R0 ;read MSB (ignored when reading lockbits) In this function the first argument is the address of the page to read. The second argument indicates the function to be RET performed. If function = 0x00, the routine returns the pro- gram data in the specified location. If function = 0x09 and write_lock_bits: address = 0x0000, 0x0001 or 0x0003, the routine returns MOV R0,R16 the fuse, lock bits or the fuse high bits, respectively. In this LDI R17,0x09 case, the main program ignores the 8MSB of the returned OUT SPMCR,R17 integer. SPM ;write lockbits Below is a listing of the assembly part of the program. RET NAME assembly(16) END 4 AVR109 AVR109 Special Considerations 1. In the ATmega161and ATmega163 the Boot Loader 4. Depending on the state of the Boot Lock Bits, inter- section stretches from $3C00-$3FFF ($1E00- rupts may or may not be available when executing $1FFF when counting words) so the linker file must instructions from the Flash Boot Section. For this be modified to place the program in these locations. reason, the UART routines implemented in this Change the  Program address space line to: application note use polling instead of interrupts. // Program address space (internal Flash memory) 5. The SPM operations utilize the Z register to indicate - page address/temp buffer address. This register is Z(CODE)INTVEC,RCODE,CDATA0,CDATA1,CCSTR,SWITCH,FLA also used as a data pointer by the IAR C compiler. SH,CODE=3C00-3FFF This causes conflicts and therefore all sequences This will place the code in the boot block. In addition, dealing with SPM are written in assembly, thereby the BOOTRST fuse must be programmed in order to achieving full control over register use. move the reset vector to $1E00. 6. It takes overhead code to gain direct control over 2. The Boot Loader program must have a way to registers writing in C. This is also a reason why all determine if it shall enter programming mode or run routines dealing with SPM are written in assembly. the program residing in the application code 7. The program is optimized for size. It is 504 bytes section. and will therefore fit in all parts that have a Boot This is implemented by doing a check to see if a spe- Loader section of 512 bytes or more. cific I/O pin is held low during power-up. If all pins are In order to reduce the code size, a number of optimizations high, the Boot Loader program executes a software have been done: jump to address $0000 and starts executing the appli- "  If then else if statements are used instead of case. cation code. This jump can be implemented by defining " For(;;) {} is used instead of while(1){}. a function pointer pointing to address $0000, " In the CSTARTUP.S90 file, all unused references void (*funcptr)( void ) = 0x0000; // Set up have been deleted. That includes all references to function pointer  __low_level_init , all  #if #endif statements and the and then execute the jump by calling this pointer: C_EXIT module. funcptr(); " All variables are implemented using the smallest data 3. If the pin is pulled low, programming mode is type possible. entered. It s not possible to exit programming mode. " Unsigned datatypes are used where this is possible. To return to normal operation, the pin should be released and the device reset. After a reset, the port 8. See application note  AVR035: Efficient C Coding is by default configured as an input with internal for AVR for more details on efficient C pull-up disabled. The selected pin should be pulled programming. high by an external pull-up resistor. 5 Atmel Headquarters Atmel Operations Corporate Headquarters Atmel Colorado Springs 2325 Orchard Parkway 1150 E. Cheyenne Mtn. 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Atmel Corporation makes no warranty for the use of its products, other than those expressly contained in the Company s standard war- ranty which is detailed in Atmel s Terms and Conditions located on the Company s web site. The Company assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this document, reserves the right to change devices or specifications detailed herein at any time without notice, and does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. No licenses to patents or other intellectual prop- erty of Atmel are granted by the Company in connection with the sale of Atmel products, expressly or by implication. Atmel s products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems. Marks bearing ® and/or "! are registered trademarks and trademarks of Atmel Corporation. Printed on recycled paper. Terms and product names in this document may be trademarks of others. 1644A 03/00/xM


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