
Work Product (Artifact): Integration Build Plan var defaultQueryStr = '?proc={F2AD342D-0F3B-4E19-A351-75ECDCB806F5}&path={F2AD342D-0F3B-4E19-A351-75ECDCB806F5},{1EBA0F67-240A-4402-B830-4DB0FDFEEB9D},_NnK2YEofEdqrjq4i3fchvA'; var backPath = './../../'; var imgPath = './../../images/'; var nodeInfo=null; contentPage.preload(imgPath, backPath, nodeInfo, defaultQueryStr, false, true, false); Work Product (Artifact): Integration Build Plan This artifact provides a detailed plan for integration within an iteration. Purpose The purpose of the Integration Build Plan is to define the order in which the components should be implemented, which builds to create when integrating the system, and how they are to be assessed. The following people will use the Integration Build Plan: Implementers, to plan the order in which to implement design elements, and what and when to deliver to system integration Integrator, as a planning tool Test designer, to define the tests for the iteration Relationships RolesResponsible: Integrator Modified By: Input ToMandatory: Integrate System Optional: None External: None Properties Optional Planned Illustrations Examples CSPS Integration Build Plan - Elaboration Phase Key Considerations You should adjust the outline of the Integration Build Plan to suit the nature of your project. For example, if the system is large, there may be a case for having subsidiary plans for each implementation subsystem. The formality and extent of the test material contained or referenced from the Integration Build Plan will vary depending on the significance of the build. Obviously the final build of an iteration will be formally assessed against all the evaluation criteria described in the Iteration Plan. ©  Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 2006.  All Rights Reserved. contentPage.onload(); contentPage.processPage.fixDescriptorLinks();


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