
ircg_set_on_diePodr�cznik PHPPoprzedniNast�pnyircg_set_on_die (PHP 4 CVS only)ircg_set_on_die --  Set hostaction to be execute when connection dies Descriptionbool ircg_set_on_die ( int connection, string host, int port, string data) In case of the termination of connection connection IRCG will connect to host at port (Note: host must be an IPv4 address, IRCG does not resolve host-names due to blocking issues), send data to the new host connection and will wait until the remote part closes connection. This can be used to trigger a php script for example. PoprzedniSpis tre�ciNast�pnyircg_register_format_messagesPocz�tek rozdzia�uircg_set_file

Podobne podstrony:
function ircg set on die
function ircg set on die
function ircg set file
function ircg set current
function ircg set current
function ircg set file
function ircg set current
function ircg set current
function ircg set file
function pdf set horiz scaling
function ldap set option
function pdf set info subject
function cpdf set viewer preferences
function ftp set option
function com set
function stream set write buffer

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