The content of the syllabuses can be easily extended by additional materials such as files or hyperlinks. The E-student module is designed for exchanging the information between dean’s offices, students and teachers. The main parts of the E-student module are the electronic studenfs record book, the notice-board, and the e-learning content such as syllabuses, programs of studies and additional materials (lectures and exercises).
We in this paper present the implementation of “Recto” application in WSFiZ. We discuss the technical aspects of “Recto”, its architecture and functionality. In addition to detailed description of “Recto” itself we present some statistics that were madę after the first year of using the application and the plans for the systenYs futurę development.
1. Dokumentacja systemu RECTO.
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7. Strona Wyższej Szkoły Finansów i Zarządzania w Białymstoku
8. Zarządzenie Rektora Wyższej Szkoły Finansów i Zarządzania w Białymstoku numer RA/4301/15/2003 wraz z załącznikami 1-3.