Zdanie przcozęce | ||
BE 1 am = Im You are = You're He is = Hes 9he is = She's Ił is = Iłs We are = We're You are = You're They are = Theyre |
1 am noł - l'm noł You are noł = You aren ł He is noł = He isn'ł 9he is noł = 9he isn'ł Ił is noł = Ił isn'ł We are noł = We aren'ł You are noł = You aren ł They are noł = They arenł |
Am 1? Are you? Is he? Is she? Is ił? Are we? Are you? Are łney? |
HAVE GOT 1 have goł = l've goł You have goł = You've goł He has goł = He'e goł 9he has goł = 9he‘s goł Ił has goł = Iłs goł We have goł = We've goł You have goł = You've goł They have goł = TheyV8 goł |
1 haven'ł goł You haven'ł goł He hasn’ł goł 9he hasn'ł goł Ił hasn'ł goł We haven'ł goł You haven‘ł goł They haven'ł goł |
Have 1 goł? Have you goł? Has he goł? Has she goł? Has ił goł? Have we goł? Have you goł? Have łhey goł? |
CAN » 1 can go You can go He can go 9he can go Ił can go We can go You can go They can go |
1 can‘ł go You can’ł go He can'ł go 9he can’ł go Ił can'ł go We can'ł go You can'ł go They can‘ł go |
Can 1 go? Can you go? Can he go? Can she go? Can ił go? Can we go? Can you go? Can łhey go? |
Personal |
Complemenł |
Possessive |
Reflexive | |
1 |
Me |
My |
Minę |
Myself |
You |
You |
Your |
Yours |
Yourself |
He |
Him |
His |
His |
Himself |
9he |
Her |
Her |
Herc |
Herself |
Ił |
Ił |
Iłs |
Iłs |
Iłself |
We |
Us |
Our |
Ours |
Oursełves |
You |
You |
Your |
Yours |
Yoursełves |
They |
Them |
Their |
Theirs |
Themselves |
Demonstrative łhis, łhat, łhese, łhose lnłerrogative who, whał, which... Indefiniłe
anołher, much, few...
who, whom, which...