Marwadi University

Bachelor of Science Semester IV (w.e.f.jan, 2018)

Subject Codę: 02SL0251 - Subject Credits: 02 _Subject Name: English for Workplace_

4.    Let's Talk video:    Making suggestions and recommendations:


5.    Online article:    BBC - Agreeing and disagreeing:


6. Youtube video: Making, Accepting & Declining an lnvitation in English.


7. BBC vidco:    Giving feedback -    18    -    English at Work:

https://voutu.be/UKzlFsw e8c

8.    Online    article:    Effective    Meetings:

h-ttp ;//p g.ople.uęaigary.ęa/-dęsiga/engg2 51/Fi rst%2Q Year% 2 o Filg s/cffęęt mee


9.    Youtube video: Useful Telephone Phrases: https://voutu.he/6tfFRD0enV0 Unit 2 Writing for Workplace

1.    Letter Writing

2.    Email writing

3.    Report writing

4.    Writing Notices

5.    Minutes of meeting Recommended Readings/Viewings:

1.    Online article: Letterbarn: Sample Employment and Workplace Letters: http://letterbarn.blogspot.in/2008/12/sample-rccruitment-letters-training-and.html

2.    Online article: Business letter examples: https://www.thebalance.com/business-letter-examples-samples-and-writing-tips-2059673

3.    BBC Lcarning English vidco: Writing an Email- 18 - English at work: https://voutu.be/a03Det4ir8U

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