2) Oncc tho chlkl show* sufficiont confidencc and famillarity with lovol one of the gamo. then he or sho is ready to movo on to level two.
a) The sccond level focuses on tho cftilds afcility to reoogmze the graphical 6xeraws cards Much Rke tho provKxiS level. the child p4C*s a contro! card at random and trtes to identrfy the t)me If he or *h<* succesaful thon plac© the card on to taWetop.
b) Then tho child attempts to match the numeneal and graphical oxorc«se cards as in the previous lovel Th© child shoukJ dernonstratn the ablity to earwly recogni/e the correct tlm© and thorofore pertorrn tho correct matching
Cl Then go through the eon troi cards to ensure that the chłkJ is aWe to idenbty ©ach and c/ery on© of them