ot-«i / M<l*«ml«m lr/v /‘lania. WpWz w luki 7.1. 7.3. litery. k,or>"11 ntinn tmm Inal-nlm* zdania (A l ), luk aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny e I r.nun *lw* olania /ostały podane dodatkowo I nie pasują ‘1° źatlnej luki.
Ib >/,mii il In slndy ul a (lim sehool bul he wasn’t acccptcd, so hc signed up for English Indl-a ul i allbaiila Klnie I ollege ll was Ihen Ihal his lifc took a tum for the better. Whilt /lilllMg lloiyeraal Kludios he mci an cditor, Chuck Silvcrs. Steven showed him Ilu M mrn hlms he had mmli Silvers was imprcsscd and invited Steven to see him
....... \mdios agam Ihi Mftt diy 7.2. £_ I herc was nothing inside it except for
,1 Mhdwłt h I htwevei II was madę of lealher and Stcvcn looked vcry professional with it.
I ni ihier m/ml Im Hieyeii himg nut willi producers, dircctors and other people involved tn film mat-mg, 7,1. A Ile evett pul his {UHM "II tha front door: “Slcven Spielberg, Room 23C .
II was posslble be* ans- moybody lhought hc was working there. Silvers was the only person wlm hiew Ihal Ihi kid wasn'1 a studio employec.
adapted from www.rd.com
II I lu hi i i img maile him «V*n morę mlcreslcd iii film making.
< In ii ii-l ile boy podeoed shoolmg homemadc films with an X mm camera. h I hal : why Meveo ile- ided to slay tlicie without Silvers’ permission. i 'u- v< u showed up do ssed elcguntly, earrying his fathcr’s briefcase.