Have you taught before?”
“No.” said Mary. "but I can t imaerne there's much to it.”
"Your lmagmation ts not on tlie syllabus. Be firm. orgamzed. give no liberties. and do not underestimate the import ance of the child forming letters properly. As the hand. the nnnd." Mary felt that the "headmistress" was overdomg it and decided to mention it to the womans superior, once she discovered who it was. Ahhough m mitigation. the woman s attention to detail was impressrce. Here were pots of sharpened pencils. tms of drawing pins and a tidy stack of hymnbooks standing neatly on her desk.
adapitd front E\*ryon* Bren* is Fotp\*n by Chris CU<r. t
6.1. After het \isit to the War Office, Mary
A. lost her way m the rushing crowds.
B. got scared of the responsibility her assignment demanded ^C^headed for the place which had been mdicated to her.
D. still felt annoyed by her mołhers reaction to her decision.
6.2. During the taxi ride. Mary
A, insisted the driver should change the route.
VsBi^ieahzed she had better not discuss her assignment
C. wondered why the driver was so inquisitive about her work.
D. expressed her anxiety about the job mterriew she was about to attend
6.3. Miss Yine adrised Mary CA>o keep disciphne m the classroom.
B. to develop the lmagmation of her students
C. to neatly anange her belongmgs on the desk.
D. to write the students' names clearly m the register.
Strona 7 z 15