PRWeb. Decwnber 2011
Caesar penned the first campaign biography about the Gal lic Want to comincc the Romans to choose him as head of State.
As professorof rhetoric in
Milan, St. Augustine s duty to Thomas Paine wrote a
the Empcror of Romc was the pamphlct that cominccd
modem cqui\alent of the Washington’s army to fight for Presidents press secretary. America’s freedom from
— England despite the co Id
ir, hanlships of winter.
Benjamin Franklin was a pionccr of using the printing press to tmmpct his causes, such as cducation. abolitionism and national
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"Eith«*r unie soouUuufr worth rcadin? or do wnutłung worth . writuig" ,
Edward Bernays published the first lxjok on public relations, "Crystolllzlng Public Opinion." Later, hc ulso introduccd the idea of using psycholog)' in PR.
PR beeame a profession as Ivy Lec counsels John D. Rockefeller on how to manage public relations for the family and Standard Oil.
Lincotn's sccrctary of State, William Seward, galned a wide audicnce for the Prcsident through the rcach of the press.
P. T. Barnum .sosucccssfully promoted his Ringling Bros, and Barnum & Bailcy Circus tliat his nanic isstill famoils 120 ycors after his death,
r *1 tpraktoshr ^ nrwipaprrs - they tave a lagę uicorc zuS cci leycil a ihsouod mdk whai I •a.iir. to on
k tbc public.- A
, ” cicmnal, cf j-uMi( icl»tinm lic p»»c1irłlh-
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nfntuinf jccplf. pmoKlis; pccy>. c» uttfjabaf f<-:'■> uith
Bcforc co-founding Ogihy & Mathcr, David Ogihy bruke ground in the industry by applying PR philosophics to forcign diplomacy.
In a fcat of crisis management master)', Burson-Marstdler s Albert Tortorelb hclpcd rcscuc the Johnson & Johnson Corporation after someone tampered with TylenoL
Michacl Terpin leadsTcrpin Communications to bccomc one of the first PR firms to specialize in new media and comcrgcncc PR.
The devclopmcnt of Faccbook and other social channcts changed the way consumcrs and brands intcract, creating PR
opportunitics - and pitfalLs.
As tliis list clcarly illuslratcs. tlić convcrgcucc of PR, Marketing and Social Media is licrc. Wlio will be the uext person to elevate the iutegration of tliese discipliues in social?