Zadanie 6. (0-3)
Uzupełnij dialogi 6.1.-6.3. Wpisz w każda luk* brakujący fragment wypowiedzi M tri otrzymać spójne i logiczne teksty. Luki należy uzupełnić w jeżyku angielskim.
6.1. A: How are you? 8
6.2. A Are you keen on danong?
6.3. A What are you doing at the weekend?
Zadanie 7. (0-3)
Przeczytaj tekst na temat sposobów spędzania Dnia Sportu w pewnej szkołę oni pyt** 7.1.-7.3. Odpowiedz na pytania, wybierając A. B lub C.
Dear Dorpan.
Im so happy you re doing we U in your new school Im writing to tell you obout on /-ycrfctfMl we hod in my ichool - Sporu Day
My school is fomous for sports so we were very happy wlien we found out w* re goingto to* W DaylJceoyeor befote Actually. it is held once a yeor. usually around IntemotionolCMdrtn iD*>
Junett losts 2 days. ..
This yeor on the first doy jumors (closses 1 to 4) played and on the second day wt j
5 to 8. hod their chance It took place in our school playground and at the gym There were different sports Bach closs was responsible for prcponng one compM* • the obstacłes and runners hod to run among them There was olso a bosketbo maren i pupds). jumps and roces and dancing competition Younger chitdren bktd sock ,
funny! The ones who dtdn t play were spectotors. They were utting on the grnss oni
When is Sports Day organized? i
A In January
B. In June.
C. In Juty.
Which sentence is true?
A Both dasses 1 to 4 and dasses S to 8 played on the same day.
B Only dasses S to 8 took part in the Sports Day .
C. Classes 1 to 4 played on the first day and classes 5 to 8 played on the s«cr
. What were the pupils who weren t playmg. doing?
A They were watching the matchcs
B. They went home.
C. They were preparmg snacks
Zaiinie8't&4\ nierwsztch tabłoidów. Z tekstu usunięto cztery zdania. Wpisz
^uk **^
.ostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej kikl.
■«M ». w*. *"»*«»< "««»" ^ «°'VP ^ n°'***
(Abk>d was The Daily Mirror started m London. 8.1---------
^^P^Tthintezt kwas *ry popular among the Brilish *1909*.łO,^££ S ylThere are some rules, ve«y .mportant for joumaksts woriong for tabloids £rewrbebored Ali thełnformation must be interestmg and surpnsmg (ano ewn £i £<cr>}l ei___That s Why make up the»r own Stores
ItyfcnJ wttal negbourshada quarreL rts very probable they vwll present * as a fight. H«i m> bttween rwo fami*s a confkt for ages and so oni
Ik wy mjfl lotus on pecple and thew emotions. There is no place for numbers or mathemabcal (n
1*t is ro st*e to' king Stones in tabloids, too. 8.3. --Stones most be short and
adknJi»)'dsaiefwtelden because people who buy tabloids dont want to look every single
faw s:«k Mltw than words - this is another rule. Headlines are very important. too.
U---------AJthough serious peopłc sometimes make jokes about tabloids. in many
jcnifcn schab they are recommended as a good source of leaming how to become popular
1 Mn dsr‘1 lir readng for a long tmte and editors make their best to cut their Stores.
I >»: ct: rxk its rume from a smali format in which it was pubkshed tfa*shxWfc« catchy and catch the readers attention at once.
Dtokrscciid fnd there Information about crime, tragedie*, celebnties. sports, comics and pers.
LttccuH ot i usoal day not many shockmg thmgs happen.
* egzaminu po ósmej klasie oraz zdania 9.1 .-9.4. Do każ-dopasuj własdwy tekst Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli.
fnp! Min ubt pamp do dwóch zdaó.
*° ' shouldnl be so stressed But l was w ^ rn front * him7fek^s^ qowt,wn-1 JUIt 90t trozen
r,dihw gueaons how i 'woto °P and saw doctors upon me. asking
^J*het«i Ican,bekej^ldit!,ooa0neo,,h*mn»«l«»jok«thatlprobabfytned to
łJPptd **** W* **,0 Ch°°^ 0nC arnv'<f Ind
^ *»i»P sc I ordid A Ihwt hohd* ^ hmce for B and three times for C Suddenly *? *w "V ««cher who was., tappmg his pen ■ Vli^O.vŁ1^,h^{0uldn ’hWf "V,neod « W annoymg'
**WT|'-nry^ VVh<n 1 toreadmyPoltshexamIfound
01 COur^ "V ‘^her immeda-come back after 10 minut es of recovery. Everyone was
e makes her ___Then
•łnienie luk
:e issued in sarents The a lot of ilhj-romplicated ng discove-
n t read
nac zdania zna wpisy-
h rodziców
nke. co po-
>ca polece-że długość ść pełnego