Curtis Health Caps
EN ISO 9001:301$
EN ISO 14001:2015 EN tSO 13485:2016-04
We are
■ contract development
& manufocturing organization specialized in soft gelatin capsules, non-sterile liguid forms and R&D services.
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We ore one of the leaders in the field of contract manufocturing of pharmaceuticol products. The company hos o modem and innovotive machinefy park and o weł-equipped reseorch and devek>pment department employing experts in their respective fields.
During 30 year$ of prcsence in infemational markets. CHC has becn rccognized as a trusted partner providing services to Clients from the phormoceuticaL foad and cosmetics industries os wel as producers of medical devices and vetefinary products.
Curtis Health Caps
We offcr a comprehensivo rango of Solutions, from reseorch and dcvclopmcnt scrvices. through Regulatory Affairs to guolity consultoncy, production, storoge and transport.
Curtis Health Caps Sp. z o.o. Wysogotowo. Batorowska 52 62-081 Przeźmierowo POIAND; (+48) 61 625 27 00;