_ Ciaas:




my owo soogs




musie v*deos




rock musie

2 you / afways / do your homework / wth your best fnend?


1 Compłete the mtssmg words m the dialogu™.

0    X: Whrt kmd oI Wma do you bke Jake’

Y: 1 comedęę - hlrra that make me laugh

1    X: Whofeyoufuyoirtcd_?

Y: Stcvcn Spdwg - he mafces somc grcal Hma

2    X: What musical instrument woutd you hkc lo


Y: 71x5 d__ but my mum says the/re


3    X: What do you do m your frce bme’ Y:lrcałytovet____photos

X: Does Tom Lewra bke a Y: No. ooly m films, I think"

5 X: What do you usualy do on Saturdays’

Y: I usuaffy make v_ę    to

put on my vtog.

6 X: Do you usualy read the w_forecast?

Y: No, I just look out of the windowtosee what ifskke*

7    X: Do you read the sports p_in the


Y: Yes. usuafly. I bke sport

8    X; Grandma «sap__, isnlshe’

Y: Yes. she doesnt wortc anymore - shes too ołd

2 Compłete the text with the words from the box. There are three extra words.

Mv tar/cunte omgrammes on the P/ are -spod qpera? Iłowe the stenes and the characteresithemldont

usuaBy ksten to1_-1 prefcr rtphopl Ike

ksterang to the racbo, especiały _showswrfren

peopte cafl the radio stabon

Idonlusuołyread*_because Ithfok the/re

for4    andnotfcrteenaocreifcemeHlke

readng*_thouęh. the heodtnes ot course.

butespedałythe*_. My turthday a n Apni so

Im an Ahee. t donl bełeve ihem but the/re qute formy.

I read my friends7_too Shewrtesthngs

every week about musie and fBm and (ts <Mte pood



3 Choose the correct arrawers.

° yy.P*”*1*_bkehphop-iTstooloudfar


A docsnt CB dor?t? c oni

1    My best fnend_dassicat mmc.

A tnten to    B hstens    C lotem to

2    1_watch horror Nms -1 hate them

Aałways    Busuały    Cnever

3 Mycousin_the gutar m a bard

Aptay*    Bptay    Cdoesptay

4 We_k>thednemaveryoften

A doesnt go B don’t go C dont goes

5    They_go to flamenco dasses. but

orty once a month

A often B sometimes C ahrays

6    Mybrother_art at ur»versrty

A studies    B sludy    C studymg

7    LAa_herhomework after schooł every


A do    B doing    C does

4 Use the words below to make que$tions ustog the present simple.

0    you / chat w*th / your fnends onine?


1    what lund / c< musie / your parents / bke7 3 *rfłattjme/yourbrother/usua*y/wakeup?

4 where/your fnend/bve?

5 how often/your seter/work/in that shop’

6 when / your grandparents / vis* / your house?

7 wh3t time / your mum and dad/getup/m the mcming?

8 you / want / to team / to ptay / a musical insłmment?

Engbsh Ctass A2* © Pearoon Central Europę 2017




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