cłiRimcATu number 17 - GD3266085.R1 datę 10 January 2017
port Office Gdynia. Poland
This is to ccrtify that the Quality Assurancc System of
(hereinafter “Company”) has been revicwed, including an audit of its facilitics. Company has givcn a satisfactory practical dcmoiLstration of its scrvices listed below. ABS thercfore recognizcs Company as a provider of
twe of sERVtcE Non - Dcstruclive Tcsting: Radiographic Tcsting (RT); Ultrasonic Tcsting (UT) including Phascd Array Ultrasonic Tcsting (PAUT) and Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) tcchniques: Magnetic Particie Inspccdon (MPI); Liquid Penetrant Tcsting (PT); Visual Testing (VT) and liddy Current (EC) Inspcction.
ataddrbss ul. Picccwska 27.80 - 288, Gdańsk, Poland
ABS survcyors may rcly on tlicsc scrviccs to make dccisions aflfccting classification or statutory surveys. Providcd the IS09000 certificate of its scrvice operation system and associatcd quality procedures, as examincd, arc not basically changcd. and the facility passes annual and sur\'cillance audits, this certificate will rcmain vaiid until 19 January 2022.
suryeyok Jarosław Wasowski
Tm Atnamm p»l»>