!\<IU: Thr Mlonir.g artidr mu original-ty [mbiuhtd a fm won ago lit rte Pritcn foruj nmipaptr. Góra thr currmt dtfatf on iht nrfyrol tmvn / McfifJu if u ouldb* a good idta to rtprint lurt.l

By C. tjmdrum

Introductloa: We're all awarc of the 2005 court deciiicn cedciing tlić D.C.C. 10 bcjtm nnplcnicrtiiig >r«c-gratcd cclling of Ihc priscn‘ł multi-ethrnc pcpulation. What ma) nol bc known lo moi) i* ital Ihit poŁcy ta* alrouh bcen initiatcd

For the moft part tlić inmcdist c rejporue ta* c**cntialb' bmi dut of rcaittancc which lun manifcfted itfdf in bodi abrtracl (ratai t md pnctical (concrctc) fomu Dc«ptc ibc multi-facetcd onttm of tlut refiflancc. it ń pramnly the mamfcftation of >ubj celne influence*. Ital if. a łona hit-loty ofour *oci»lc<»»liticcnns Finhcmiocc ii tłiouid be nctcd Ital ttaf re*t-tance if not «cli»ivel>' limiledlotheprnonmaffef but trar»cci>i* them lo metale tlioic conree-tional oftken who WNk ai do*C prtwimity tollic priaonera thaiwehe*.

On Irrcflr.nioa Ccttng....... 1

\cw Corrcoons Boks.....4

The Fnal Hour.........................5

Eoiloewil Commcnis............—6

Lnwsuit Forem SHU Movcs...    7

Leaors..—...................... 8

It it oni) tlrcugh ihe indcTftmding of fomrthrig,f eppeoite Ital we cm fuli)' undcr*tml tliat which it i« wc «rt lo un-dcTtŁukl For u* to fuli) cctnfrdtcnd the rcfittaiKC of Ihe concclicnal oflficert and place lliif rtkiftance irto ilt proptr c«tc\t we iruu not cni) underdand. a* moft al-ready do. ihat ihe C.O.f harc no dcfirc to dcal with a ptiten pcpulation at cach eth-e»'» throatf But we nam *1*0 unletaand Ihe oppofste tendency of Ihit ccjuition. i.e.. Ihat ncilhcr do tłic) wńłi to fce prńooeni on crcceptionally gocd term* wiih each oth-er, fcc lhe*e are llie cctiAiiortf neceftaiy lo reArect our energie* to Ihe impctwcmcnl of car condiiicnf—<hu* thrratcning ilieir interertf.

The fint Mtcmpl* at iirplcmcniirtg Ihit pd>cy u* imtiatcd at Mule Crceł. Stale Prwon md the Siena Confcnalicn Center in lont Thif w* met with mixcd renik* Prneei burcaucrat* mteuneed tlial Ihc iirposilion of thif pohey went unoetMy in Mule Creek. When we place thif in itf piopcr conlcet. liii* n uralcrdatlablc eon-fidering llie ccetcnt of Mule Creek'* popu-laticea a* a "drop out" yard. ie.. defcatut and pa<nvc di both c**encc ml form.

In regardf to tlić Sierra CocNcmticn Cenler, de»pitc ihc ndhiduilnm. md near total lack ci" unity tliat pcnncalc* all Iowce levd facdiiic*. ilicee wa* ncvcrtlidc*« fome dcgrcc of collccliie rc*i«tancc n m clloet to proeeil tląc procctf of inlcgrafion from jroccedsę;

There if a va!uab!c leffon lo bc drawn freen thif af weB. The many analytif and theonc* femmłated around ihe aifUlKM lim unity micngrt llie pntonerf on llie lower level* »n m inpoMibility have now bcen prontii wrong Athceigli a dntuiction nunt be madę 'Ihe imity w a [tcgreuiw developme>a in iltelf Ihe mctivc bełiind it wat for an Cfientially ccuntcrproducliec (erpoie md agaimi ocr objcetivc mlcrcfl*

The prifonew who partuipned engaged n a work • tcfpage md. allhcngh they were '■temperanb'” nKCCfiful in prolonging tfu* proceff. ihc C.D.C. i* irtert on mov-rig ferward wilh lh«f rilcgrUion ftatc-widc weliai Iwo to tlree yeart.

Thif pofc* nuiKrofi* •łjolkw. bolh dicceelical and practical I woutd likc lo »»k ycu beth. S.K md C.L.. kok quct-tionf morę pettaicm lo Ok irwic at hml lakcwite. I inderrtand that eircunutaiKef nccckfilatc a desree of telf centcohip. Noncfhelco, wtateiee ilimglii- ihat you <m fłiare will no doubt be grcafly .-ppreci-ated and liopcfuD) forter hcahliy diak>guc Sue can reiuJl in aclsoii

Quntlon One: Do you belieee tliat die if»uc otf dcfcgrcgalicei can be effeelńeł) a-Mrcool withOUI abo addreoing Ihe eon-texl in which ihit pcocetf developf‘.’ And wty?

SK: Tłic fhcet mower i» "No." The (etfcei «)*tem if a mecroco*ni of the ebf* and racial conlralictionf inhcrcnl wMi tfie largcr fociety. Tlić fcjrcgalicei of peiton-crt wat an eslemicei of ihe cla« ar>l racul tegregation exuting wilhin tocicty Jl Ihat łimc. Over llie yem wc lunę adcęted md perpetuated Ihefc foeul practicct a< otr onn Thif if rcllccted net onb in cur A-vificn irto group* bated eti race. bot aUo in ihe nile* and rcgulation* in wtuch ihe greupf operate. And dopite the "cffictal dcicgrtgalicn" llut hac formaUy oecirTcd wtliai llie julioal realni tonie dceade* ago. we a* pritoncn h.ive conAned and rigidb' perpetuated thi* fcgrcgation aid hoitilitic* which hne bcen remfceccd and aicnragcd by Ihe prifon adrtirmiralioo



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