Gen-Gozapmc ACCESS NetWork
Monitoring With Confidence
T. 1-866-501-3338 F. 1-800-497-9592
Status Action
GREEN STATUS WBC > 3.5xlOVL ANC a 2.0x10*/L |
Continue clozapine treatment CBC and differential lab work once weekly, every 2 weeks or every 4 weeks. Pharmacy continues to dispense clozapine once weekty, every 2 weeks or every 4 weeks. |
Continue clozapine treatment. |
Low Values: |
CBC and differential lab work x 2Aveek. |
WBC 3.5x10*/L -2.0xl0*/L |
Evaluate for fiu like complaints, fever. |
ANC 2.0xl0*A- -1.5xlO*A Falling Values: WBC Fallł 3.0xl0»/L Measured in the last 4 weeks reaching a value < 4.0xlOi/L ANC Fali > 1.5x 10»A Measured in the last 4 weeks reaching a value < 2.5x10*/L Physlcal Symptoms: Flu-like complaints or other symptoms which might suggest infection. |
signs and symptoms of infection. |
Repeat CBC and differential within 24hrs to confirm results. |
WBC < 2.0x10ł/L |
Pharmacy contact physician for dispensing direction. |
ANC < 1.5xlO*/L |
Results confirmed = STOP clozapine treatment CBC and differential continue weekly x 4 weeks. Evaluate for fiu like complaints, fever, signs and symptoms of infection. CLOZAPINE TX MUST NOT BE RESUMED: PAT1ENT NON-RECHALLENGEABLE |
•Notę: |
Protective isolation is recommended, if evidence of infection |
WBC <1.0 xlO*/L |
develops, appropriate cultures and antibiotic regime should |
ANC < 0.5 x 10ł/L |
be performed. |
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