0=1    N=280



Type of municipality

■ Urban    ■ Rural; Urban-rural

0=2 N=44

0=3 N=236


Av= 53.1%

/ar =0.03 7034


Net migration ratę per 1 thous. popuiation    Entrepreneurship(entities/ 10 thous. popuiationof working age)

<■0    >0    <■ 1130    ‘    >1130

0=4    N=18



0=5    N=26

Av=24.5X Var =0.014204

0=6    N=99

Av=62.2% rar =0.022373

Agricultural Production Space ValuationRatio (point) <=85    >85

0=7    N=137



Popułation density (people/kmJ) <=270    ~    > 270

0=8 N=65

0=9 N=34



/m =0.01493'

\!*r =0.015535

0=10 N=121

10=11 N«16



rar =0.018031

/ar =0.01489 7

Share of smal farms (%)

Net migration ratę per 1 thous. population

<= 33.6    > 33.6

0=12 N.16

0=13 N=49



•m =0.014852

kr*r =0.012614

<=20 >20

0=14 Ni 106

0=15 N.15



lar =0.015903

■ar =0.017480


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