UNIT5. TIME FOR DISCOVERY. Lesson 3. Focus of Ukrainę. L92 195
Xlfl yPOKY
I. niflrOTOBKA AO OlPMMHflTTfl IHLLIOMOBHOrO MOBJlEHHfl flpnBiTaHH^. rioBiflOMJieHHH TeMi/i Ta Mem ypoKy
T. Today’s topie is “My impressions about travelling”.
llepeBipKa flOMawHboro 3aB£aHHfl
Bnp. 4, c. 223 — nepeBipKa BHKOHaHHH BnpaBH.
▼ Agree or disagree. If you disagree, explain why.
1. Many people are fond of travelling.
2. The fastest way of travelling is by car.
3. Travelling by train isiTt enjoyable.
4. You can make your own timetable travelling by car.
5. If the people go on business, they travel by car.
6. Travelling doesiTt mean getting about the town.
PoóoTa 3 rpaMaTMHHMMM MaTepia/ioM
Bnp. 1, c. 224 — ynHi unTaioTb ripaBHJia Ta nopiBinoiOTb yMOBH bh-KopncTaHHH MHHyjioro npocToro Ta TenepiniHboro AOKOHaHoro naciB.
Bnp. 2, c. 225 — make up ąuestions.
Bnp. 5, c. 225 — practice the dialogues in pairs. Use the words from the boxes to change the underlined words.
T. So, I see you like to travel and all people like to travel about their countries and to their countries. But all peoples love their native land. English people have many proverbs.
For example:
□ East or West, home is best.
□ There is nothing like home.
□ Home, home, sweet home.
Find Ukrainian equivalents. Write down these proverbs into your vocabularies.
Your marks are...
AOMaillH€ 3aBflaHHB
Bnp. 3, 4, c. 225.
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