Products design
To get the logo right for the hostel and digitilize it, took me definitely the longest time. Once I got the generał idea sketched on paper and created my outlines, it took many feedbacks from the teachers and my Client to get this finał look for The Cuckoo’s Nest logo.
I first started with a heavier font and adding an extra circle with a background colour. I did like the tropie vibe from the logo on the second picture but it dldnt have any

relation to the mo/ie so I tried changing the frame shape into something that looked morę crazy. I also exprei-mented with changing the font into something that would suit the mental hospital vlbe better, adding red colour to It. The scary look didn’t quite fit and clashed with the social, posittvĄ homely feels we were also going for.
After suggestion from the teachers, I stayed with the orig-inal frame, in the meantime experimenting with the colour palette for the bird as I wanted to achieve morę contrast. I tried chang Ing the font into something that resembled the font from the mcvie poster (see moodboards) and something morę feminine as that was one of the approaches
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