DYNOJET Performance Evaluation Program

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D GDf m«Jum_005.<M - 08.06.2011 19:57:51 Totfaultyp: RO Run Coodtions: 29.19 -C. 989.14 Mbar. UAtouefftt: 14%. OM:1.04 Pcw*»f - 24.54 Mak RPM . 14.29

U GDf m<xJufn_004 Ort • 08 06 2011 19 56 34 Tctfaułtyp: RO Run Cqc&\km 29.16 *C. 989.31 Mfcor. lut*****: 14%. OM: 1.04 Mtt P<wi - 24.43 Ma- RPM - 14.38


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