
ÿþ12 Roleplaying in the Hyborian Age Ian Sturrock Itýÿs a sad fact of life that not every gaming group is lucky enough to be packed out to the rafters with eager players. Does this mean that two- and three- player groups should be denied access to the wonderful world of Conan? By Ollam- Onga I think not! The swords-and-sorcery genre in which the Conan stories so firmly fall does not usually have quite such large numbers of player characters as most fantasy roleplaying games. Rather than associating with the usual  party of perhaps four or five adventurers, Conan usually works alone, or with the assistance of one other main character (along with great armies of Characters One important difference between henchmen on occasion). The Games Master and player or play when there is a balanced party, players should work very carefully and when there are only one or two For Conan the RPG groups of small together when creating characters for player characters, is that the party size, with only a Games Master and solo or duo play. It is recommended of several adventurers will usually one or two players, it is probably that characters be designed as a group be sufficiently versatile to cope with a good deal more rewarding to effort, rather than generated in the almost any situation in which they run games with only one or two normal manner. If all parties involved find themselves. This is down to the characters rather than having each can reach a consensus as to each better balance of classes, and as a player run several characters, or using character s statistics, that is probably result, of skills, in the larger party. Non-Player Characters to make up the ideal. the numbers. 13 There are two main ways to circumvent this in a  party of only one or two characters. The first is careful choice of classes and multiclassing. Conan the RPG is designed to be very forgiving of multiclass characters, so combining combat-capable classes with skills- heavy classes works quite well. It is not usually necessary to have a scholar, even in a larger party; in a smaller party of only one or two, it is perhaps more heroic not to have a scholar, though a few Counterspells are useful so the Dabbler feat might be a worthwhile investment. The second way is the alternate skills system presented over the next few pages. With this system, not only do most characters advance in their specialist skills every level, but all characters also advance in most other skills at least every couple of levels. If you do use the alternate skills system, you may also wish to give solo characters more feats than usual, again with the aim of ensuring they are well rounded. Rather than the usual feats at 1st level, 3rd level and every three levels thereafter (6th, 9th, Half a What? etc.) it is suggested that you allow For easier generation and feats at 1st level, 3rd level, and every advancement of single-classed two levels thereafter (5th, 7th, etc.). characters without having to bother the skill points each character class with adding up half skill points, Note that Conan, like the other gains each level. See Table 1.1: Skills follow these steps: characters presented in Chapter 10: by Class, along with the example Adventurers and Notables of the below, for precisely how this works. 1. Work out how many Hyborian Age, has not been created skill points you gain at using the system here. This allows Note that under this system, each level beyond first. him to be reasonably balanced against the characters do not gain any 2. Choose twice that many player characters in most cases (other background skills for race. This class skills to specialise than his truly heroic ability scores). system replaces the usual background in. However, if you are running a solo skills system. 3. You have (your level campaign, you may wish to boost his +3) ranks in each of skills and feats somewhat according This system may seem complex at these skills. to the guidelines given here. first, as it adds an extra stage to the 4. Note down all the process of determining how many skills which you did ranks in each skill a character has. Skills not choose from Table However it has several advantages This is done by simply allotting 1.1: Skills by Class, for gaming in the Conan genre characters two ranks at first level, but which have either and should prove easy enough for then half a rank per level thereafter, a  C or a   in the experienced d20 players to grasp. If in each of a wide variety of skills, appropriate column. not, see the sidebar  Half a What? for including all their class skills and 5. You have (your level a way to achieve the same effect with several others. These half ranks are +3)/2 ranks in each of less maths. allotted before the character spends these skills, rounded down. 14 Table 1.1: Skills by Class for Solo and Duo Play Skill Barbarian Commoner Borderer Noble Nomad Pirate Soldier Scholar Thief Key Ability Appraise C C C C Int Balance C C Dex* Bluff C C C C C Cha Climb C C C C C C C Str* Concentration C Con Craft (alchemy) cc cc cc cc cc cc cc C* cc Int Craft C* cc C* cc C* cc cc C* C* Int (herbalism) Craft (any C* C* C* cc C* C* C* C* C* Int mundane) Decipher Script cc C C Int Diplomacy cc cc cc C cc cc cc cc C Cha Disable Device cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc C Int Disguise cc C C Cha Escape Artist cc C C Dex* Forgery cc cc cc cc cc cc cc C C Int Gather C C C C C C Cha Information Handle Animal C C C C C Cha Heal cc C C Wis Hide C C C C Dex* Intimidate C C C C C C Cha Jump C C C C C Str* Knowledge cc C C Int (arcana) Knowledge cc C C C C Int (geography) Knowledge cc C C Int (history) Knowledge C C C C C C Int (local) Knowledge cc C C C Int (nobility) Knowledge C C Int (religion) Listen C C C C C Wis Move Silently C C C C C Dex* Open Lock cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc C Dex Perform * * * C* * C* C* C* C* Cha Profession C* C C* cc cc C* C* C* C* Wis Ride C C C C C C Dex Search C C C C C C Int Sense Motive C C C Wis Sleight of Hand cc C C Dex* Spot C C C C C C Wis Survival C C C C C Wis Swim C C C C Str Tumble cc C C Dex* Use Rope C C C C Dex 15 (Ability)* This skill is affected by the Armour Check Penalty of any armour worn. C Class skill, and you gain 2 ranks in this skill at 1st level, then a rank in this skill each level thereafter, always before spending any of your own skill points. C* Class skill, and you gain 2 ranks in any one sub-skill of this skill at 1st level, then a rank in the sub-skill each level thereafter, always before spending any of your own skill points. Cc Cross-class skill. Cross-class skill, but you gain 2 ranks in this skill at 1st level, then a rank in this skill each level thereafter, always before spending any of your own skill points. * Cross-class skill, and you gain 2 ranks in any one sub-skill of this skill at 1st level, then a rank in the sub-skill each level thereafter, always before spending any of your own skill points. aboard the riverboats of her Vanaheim As a soldier she gains a rank in each Skill Point Example: home  which was also where she of the following skills: Starting Character picked up some shipboard work songs. Jackie decides to generate a character Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, for a solo campaign. She will be At this point she spends her 16 skill Concentration, Craft (swordsmith), Mabb, a 1st level barbarian. Her points as follows: 2 each on Craft Decipher Script, Disguise, Escape Intelligence is 13, probably more than (swordsmith), Spot, Jump, Intimidate, Artist, Gather Information, Heal, that of most barbarians, but she hopes Profession (sailor), Perform (drum), Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge at some point to take some levels in Ride, Move Silently, Listen and (arcana), Knowledge (geography), the thief class and so wants to ensure Survival. Note that although Knowledge (history), Knowledge she will gain a reasonable selection of Perform is a cross-class skill for (local), Knowledge (nobility), skills when she does so. barbarians, Mabb has sufficiently high Knowledge (religion), Listen, Move Intelligence that she can simply spend Silently, Perform (any one), Profession Her skill points at 1st level are (4 + Int her Int bonus skill points on Perform. (sailor), Ride, Search, Sense Motive, bonus) x4, or 4x5 = 20. Sleight of Hand, Speak Language, So, after spending all her skill points, Spot, Survival, Swim, Tumble, and However, before spending these skill Mabb has the following ranks in her Use Rope. points, she determines her base skill skills: points. She also gains 2 + 1 = 3 skill points. Appraise +2, Balance +2, Bluff +2, She spends these as follows: a point As a barbarian, she gains 2 ranks in Climb +2, Concentration +2, Craft on each of the following: Climb, Craft, each of the following skills, before (swordsmith) +4, Decipher Script Intimidate, Knowledge (geography), spending any skill points: +2, Disguise +2, Escape Artist +2, Profession (sailor) and Ride. Gather Information +2, Heal +2, Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Hide +2, Intimidate +4, Jump +4, Her skill ranks are now as follows: Concentration, Craft (herbalism or Knowledge (arcana) +2, Knowledge any one mundane), Decipher Script, (geography) +2, Knowledge (history) Appraise +2.5, Balance +2.5, Bluff Disguise, Escape Artist, Gather +2, Knowledge (local) +2, Knowledge +2.5, Climb +3, Concentration +2.5, Information, Heal, Hide, Intimidate, (nobility) +2, Knowledge (religion) Craft (swordsmith) +5, Decipher Jump, Knowledge (arcana), +2, Listen +4, Move Silently +4, Script +2.5, Disguise +2.5, Escape Knowledge (geography), Knowledge Perform (sing) +2, Perform (drum) +2, Artist +2.5, Gather Information +2.5, (history), Knowledge (local), Profession (sailor) +4, Ride +4, Search Heal +2.5, Hide +2.5, Intimidate Knowledge (nobility), Knowledge +2, Sense Motive +2, Sleight of Hand +5, Jump +4.5, Knowledge (arcana) (religion), Listen, Move Silently, +2, Spot +4, Survival +4, Swim +2, +2.5, Knowledge (geography) +3, Perform (any one), Profession (any Tumble +2, and Use Rope +2. Knowledge (history) +2.5, Knowledge one), Ride, Search, Sense Motive, (local) +2.5, Knowledge (nobility) Sleight of Hand, Speak Language, +2.5, Knowledge (religion) +2.5, Skill Point Example: Spot, Survival, Swim, Tumble, and Listen +4.5, Move Silently +4.5, Use Rope. Level Advancement Perform (sing) +2.5, Perform (drum) When Mabb reaches 2nd level, it turns +2.5, Profession (sailor) +5, Ride She decides that her sub-skills in out that she has spent much of her +5, Search +2.5, Sense Motive +2.5, Craft, Perform and Profession will time fighting as a mercenary in the Sleight of Hand +2.5, Spot +4.5, be as follows: Craft (swordsmith), army of Koth, rather than thieving as Survival +4.5, Swim +2.5, Tumble Perform (song), and Profession Jackie had planned. It seems more +2.5, and Use Rope +2.5. (sailor). She is the daughter of a appropriate to give her a level of swordsmith, and has spent some time Soldier than anything else.


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