
ÿþThese are TEST returns. They must not be broadcast or published. - Print Version - International Herald Tribune 10/1/08 4:50 AM These are TEST returns. They must not be broadcast or published. The Associated Press Tuesday, September 30, 2008 BULLETIN:: Johnson, Dem, elected House, District 4, Georgia. BULLETIN: (AP) Lewis, Dem, elected House, District 5, Georgia. BULLETIN: (AP) Scott, Dem, elected House, District 3, Virginia. BULLETIN: (AP) Boucher, Dem, elected House, District 9, Virginia. BULLETIN: (AP) Mollohan, Dem, elected House, District 1, West Virginia. BULLETIN: (AP) Ellsworth, Dem, elected House, District 8, Indiana. BULLETIN: (AP) Hill, Dem, elected House, District 9, Indiana. BULLETIN: (AP) Hare, Dem, elected House, District 17, Illinois. BULLETIN: (AP) McGovern, Dem, elected House, District 3, Massachusetts. BULLETIN: (AP) Neal, Dem, elected House, District 2, Massachusetts. BULLETIN: (AP) Capuano, Dem, elected House, District 8, Massachusetts. BULLETIN: (AP) Delahunt, Dem, elected House, District 10, Massachusetts. BULLETIN: (AP) Lynch, Dem, elected House, District 9, Massachusetts. BULLETIN: (AP) Tsongas, Dem, elected House, District 5, Massachusetts. BULLETIN: (AP) Bachus, GOP, elected House, District 6, Alabama. BULLETIN: (AP) Bonner, GOP, elected House, District 1, Alabama. BULLETIN: (AP) Davis, Dem, elected House, District 7, Alabama. BULLETIN: (AP) Brown, Dem, elected House, District 3, Florida. BULLETIN: (AP) Meek, Dem, elected House, District 17, Florida. BULLETIN: (AP) Tanner, Dem, elected House, District 8, Tennessee. BULLETIN: (AP) Camp, Dem, elected House, District 3, Georgia. BULLETIN: (AP) Connolly, Dem, elected House, District 11, Virginia. BULLETIN: (AP) Chabot, GOP, elected House, District 1, Ohio. BULLETIN: (AP) Kilroy, Dem, elected House, District 15, Ohio. BULLETIN: (AP) Berry, Dem, elected House, District 1, Arkansas. BULLETIN: (AP) Boccieri, Dem, elected House, District 16, Ohio. BULLETIN: (AP) Bradley, GOP, elected House, District 1, New Hampshire. Page 1 of 15 These are TEST returns. They must not be broadcast or published. - Print Version - International Herald Tribune 10/1/08 4:50 AM BULLETIN: (AP) Biden, Dem, elected Senate, Delaware. BULLETIN: (AP) Parker, GOP, elected House, District 5, Alabama. BULLETIN: (AP) Boehner, GOP, elected House, District 8, Ohio. BULLETIN: (AP) Melancon, Dem, elected House, District 3, Louisiana. BULLETIN: (AP) Alexander, GOP, elected House, District 5, Louisiana. BULLETIN: (AP) Paul, GOP, elected House, District 14, Texas. BULLETIN: (AP) Meeks, Dem, elected House, District 6, New York. BULLETIN: (AP) Castor, Dem, elected House, District 11, Florida. BULLETIN: (AP) Castle, GOP, elected House, District 1, Delaware. BULLETIN: (AP) Markell, Dem, elected Governor, Delaware. BULLETIN: (AP) Wieder, Lib, elected House, District 22, Texas. BULLETIN: (AP) Welch, Dem, elected House, District 1, Vermont. BULLETIN: (AP) Pallone, Dem, elected House, District 6, New Jersey. BULLETIN: (AP) Horn, GOP, elected House, District 2, New Hampshire. BULLETIN: (AP) Pryor, Dem, elected Senate, Arkansas. BULLETIN: (AP) Jones, GOP, elected House, District 3, North Carolina. BULLETIN: (AP) Frelinghuysen, GOP, elected House, District 11, New Jersey. BULLETIN: (AP) Wamp, GOP, elected House, District 3, Tennessee. BULLETIN: (AP) Rockefeller, Dem, elected Senate, West Virginia. BULLETIN: (AP) McConnell, GOP, elected Senate, Kentucky. BULLETIN: (AP) Whitfield, GOP, elected House, District 1, Kentucky. BULLETIN: (AP) Inhofe, GOP, elected Senate, Oklahoma. BULLETIN: (AP) Schakowsky, Dem, elected House, District 9, Illinois. BULLETIN: (AP) Kirk, GOP, elected House, District 10, Illinois. BULLETIN: (AP) Durbin, Dem, elected Senate, Illinois. BULLETIN: (AP) Pascrell, Dem, elected House, District 8, New Jersey. BULLETIN: (AP) Lautenberg, Dem, elected Senate, New Jersey. BULLETIN: (AP) Graham, GOP, elected Senate, South Carolina. BULLETIN: (AP) Granger, GOP, elected House, District 12, Texas. BULLETIN: (AP) Myers, GOP, elected House, District 3, New Jersey. BULLETIN: (AP) Lynch, Dem, elected Governor, New Hampshire. BULLETIN: (AP) Myrick, GOP, elected House, District 9, North Carolina. BULLETIN: (AP) Sweetland, GOP, elected House, District 25, New York. BULLETIN: (AP) Bartlett, GOP, elected House, District 6, Maryland. Page 2 of 15 These are TEST returns. They must not be broadcast or published. - Print Version - International Herald Tribune 10/1/08 4:50 AM BULLETIN: (AP) 2 Video Lottery, Maryland, Adopted. BULLETIN: (AP) Sessions, GOP, elected Senate, Alabama. BULLETIN: (AP) Andrews, Dem, elected House, District 1, New Jersey. BULLETIN: (AP) Payne, Dem, elected House, District 10, New Jersey. BULLETIN: (AP) Nadler, Dem, elected House, District 8, New York. BULLETIN: (AP) Maloney, Dem, elected House, District 14, New York. BULLETIN: (AP) Rangel, Dem, elected House, District 15, New York. BULLETIN: (AP) Weiner, Dem, elected House, District 9, New York. BULLETIN: (AP) Serrano, Dem, elected House, District 16, New York. BULLETIN: (AP) Aderholt, GOP, elected House, District 4, Alabama. BULLETIN: (AP) DeLauro, Dem, elected House, District 3, Connecticut. BULLETIN: (AP) Guthrie, GOP, elected House, District 2, Kentucky. BULLETIN: (AP) Berkley, Dem, elected House, District 1, Nevada. BULLETIN: (AP) LoBiondo, GOP, elected House, District 2, New Jersey. BULLETIN: (AP) Ryan, Dem, elected House, District 17, Ohio. BULLETIN: (AP) Poe, GOP, elected House, District 2, Texas. BULLETIN: (AP) Wilson, GOP, elected House, District 2, South Carolina. BULLETIN: (AP) Reed, Dem, elected Senate, Rhode Island. BULLETIN: (AP) Barrasso, GOP, elected Senate, Wyoming. BULLETIN: (AP) Jackson, Dem, elected House, District 2, Illinois. BULLETIN: (AP) Clarke, Dem, elected House, District 11, New York. BULLETIN: (AP) Larson, Dem, elected House, District 1, Connecticut. BULLETIN: (AP) Rothman, Dem, elected House, District 9, New Jersey. BULLETIN: (AP) Smith, GOP, elected House, District 4, New Jersey. BULLETIN: (AP) Brady, Dem, elected House, District 1, Pennsylvania. BULLETIN: (AP) Enzi, GOP, elected Senate, Wyoming. BULLETIN: (AP) Crowley, Dem, elected House, District 7, New York. BULLETIN: (AP) Towns, Dem, elected House, District 10, New York. BULLETIN: (AP) Towns, Dem, elected House, District 18, New York. BULLETIN: (AP) Velazquez, Dem, elected House, District 12, New York. BULLETIN: (AP) Manzullo, GOP, elected House, District 16, Illinois. BULLETIN: (AP) Cardoza, Dem, elected House, District 18, California. BULLETIN: (AP) McCarthy, GOP, elected House, District 22, California. BULLETIN: (AP) Radanovich, GOP, elected House, District 19, California. Page 3 of 15 These are TEST returns. They must not be broadcast or published. - Print Version - International Herald Tribune 10/1/08 4:50 AM BULLETIN: (AP) Berman, Dem, elected House, District 28, California. BULLETIN: (AP) Waxman, Dem, elected House, District 30, California. BULLETIN: (AP) Becerra, Dem, elected House, District 31, California. BULLETIN: (AP) Solis, Dem, elected House, District 32, California. BULLETIN: (AP) Tonko, Dem, elected House, District 21, New York. BULLETIN: (AP) Ruppersberger, Dem, elected House, District 2, Maryland. BULLETIN: (AP) Johnson, Dem, elected Senate, South Dakota. BULLETIN: (AP) Gonzalez, Dem, elected House, District 20, Texas. BULLETIN: (AP) Ackerman, Dem, elected House, District 5, New York. BULLETIN: (AP) Love, GOP, elected House, District 2, Alabama. BULLETIN: (AP) Cappiello, GOP, elected House, District 5, Connecticut. BULLETIN: (AP) Davis, GOP, elected House, District 4, Kentucky. BULLETIN: (AP) Harris, GOP, elected House, District 1, Maryland. BULLETIN: (AP) Sarbanes, Dem, elected House, District 3, Maryland. BULLETIN: (AP) Van Hollen, Dem, elected House, District 8, Maryland. BULLETIN: (AP) Shaheen, Dem, elected Senate, New Hampshire. BULLETIN: (AP) Douglas, GOP, elected Governor, Vermont. BULLETIN: (AP) Lipinski, Dem, elected House, District 3, Illinois. BULLETIN: (AP) Polis, Dem, elected House, District 2, Colorado. BULLETIN: (AP) Chandler, Dem, elected House, District 6, Kentucky. BULLETIN: (AP) Cochran, GOP, elected Senate, Mississippi. BULLETIN: (AP) Sires, Dem, elected House, District 13, New Jersey. BULLETIN: (AP) Kerry, Dem, elected Senate, Massachusetts. BULLETIN: (AP) Rush, Dem, elected House, District 1, Illinois. BULLETIN: (AP) Gutierrez, Dem, elected House, District 4, Illinois. BULLETIN: (AP) Davis, Dem, elected House, District 7, Illinois. BULLETIN: (AP) Ros-Lehtinen, GOP, elected House, District 18, Florida. BULLETIN: (AP) Northup, GOP, elected House, District 3, Kentucky. BULLETIN: (AP) Taylor, Dem, elected House, District 4, Mississippi. BULLETIN: (AP) Lance, GOP, elected House, District 7, New Jersey. BULLETIN: (AP) Holt, Dem, elected House, District 12, New Jersey. BULLETIN: (AP) Lucas, GOP, elected House, District 3, Oklahoma. BULLETIN: (AP) Boren, Dem, elected House, District 2, Oklahoma. BULLETIN: (AP) Cole, GOP, elected House, District 4, Oklahoma. Page 4 of 15 These are TEST returns. They must not be broadcast or published. - Print Version - International Herald Tribune 10/1/08 4:50 AM BULLETIN: (AP) Coble, GOP, elected House, District 6, North Carolina. BULLETIN: (AP) Forbes, GOP, elected House, District 4, Virginia. BULLETIN: (AP) Warner, Dem, elected Senate, Virginia. BULLETIN: (AP) Manchin, Dem, elected Governor, West Virginia. BULLETIN: (AP) Roybal-Allard, Dem, elected House, District 34, California. BULLETIN: (AP) Schiff, Dem, elected House, District 29, California. BULLETIN: (AP) McKeon, GOP, elected House, District 25, California. BULLETIN: (AP) Sherman, Dem, elected House, District 27, California. BULLETIN: (AP) Watson, Dem, elected House, District 33, California. BULLETIN: (AP) Rogers, GOP, elected House, District 5, Kentucky. BULLETIN: (AP) Schmidt, GOP, elected House, District 2, Ohio. BULLETIN: (AP) Sullivan, GOP, elected House, District 1, Oklahoma. BULLETIN: (AP) Alexander, GOP, elected Senate, Tennessee. BULLETIN: (AP) Lowey, Dem, elected House, District 18, New York. BULLETIN: (AP) McHugh, GOP, elected House, District 23, New York. BULLETIN: (AP) Tiahrt, GOP, elected House, District 4, Kansas. BULLETIN: (AP) Watt, Dem, elected House, District 12, North Carolina. BULLETIN: (AP) Garrett, GOP, elected House, District 5, New Jersey. BULLETIN: (AP) Fallin, GOP, elected House, District 5, Oklahoma. BULLETIN: (AP) Oberweis, GOP, elected House, District 14, Illinois. BULLETIN: (AP) Pingree, Dem, elected House, District 1, Maine. BULLETIN: (AP) Michaud, Dem, elected House, District 2, Maine. BULLETIN: (AP) Engel, Dem, elected House, District 17, New York. BULLETIN: (AP) Butterfield, Dem, elected House, District 1, North Carolina. BULLETIN: (AP) McHenry, GOP, elected House, District 10, North Carolina. BULLETIN: (AP) Goode, GOP, elected House, District 5, Virginia. BULLETIN: (AP) Waters, Dem, elected House, District 35, California. BULLETIN: (AP) Harman, Dem, elected House, District 36, California. BULLETIN: (AP) Richardson, Dem, elected House, District 37, California. BULLETIN: (AP) Hinchey, Dem, elected House, District 22, New York. BULLETIN: (AP) Thompson, Dem, elected House, District 2, Mississippi. BULLETIN: (AP) Hoyer, Dem, elected House, District 5, Maryland. BULLETIN: (AP) Udall, Dem, elected Senate, New Mexico. BULLETIN: (AP) Foxx, GOP, elected House, District 5, North Carolina. Page 5 of 15 These are TEST returns. They must not be broadcast or published. - Print Version - International Herald Tribune 10/1/08 4:50 AM BULLETIN: (AP) Langevin, Dem, elected House, District 2, Rhode Island. BULLETIN: (AP) Rahall, Dem, elected House, District 3, West Virginia. BULLETIN: (AP) Sanchez, Dem, elected House, District 39, California. BULLETIN: (AP) Kuhl, GOP, elected House, District 29, New York. BULLETIN: (AP) 202 Illegal Hiring, Arizona, Adopted. BULLETIN: (AP) Collins, GOP, elected Senate, Maine. BULLETIN: (AP) Landrieu, Dem, elected Senate, Louisiana. BULLETIN: (AP) Johanns, GOP, elected Senate, Nebraska. BULLETIN: (AP) 2 Define Marriage, Florida, Adopted. BULLETIN: (AP) Hoeven, GOP, elected Governor, North Dakota. BULLETIN: (AP) Price, Dem, elected House, District 4, North Carolina. BULLETIN: (AP) Israel, Dem, elected House, District 10, New York. BULLETIN: (AP) Israel, Dem, elected House, District 2, New York. BULLETIN: (AP) Sullivan, GOP, elected House, District 2, Connecticut. BULLETIN: (AP) Cummings, Dem, elected House, District 7, Maryland. BULLETIN: (AP) McIntyre, Dem, elected House, District 7, North Carolina. BULLETIN: (AP) Reyes, Dem, elected House, District 16, Texas. BULLETIN: (AP) Treadwell, GOP, elected House, District 20, New York. BULLETIN: (AP) Edwards, Dem, elected House, District 4, Maryland. BULLETIN: (AP) Cantor, GOP, elected House, District 7, Virginia. BULLETIN: (AP) Emanuel, Dem, elected House, District 5, Illinois. BULLETIN: (AP) Costello, Dem, elected House, District 12, Illinois. BULLETIN: (AP) Himes, Dem, elected House, District 4, Connecticut. BULLETIN: (AP) Hanna, GOP, elected House, District 24, New York. BULLETIN: (AP) Higgins, Dem, elected House, District 27, New York. BULLETIN: (AP) Dole, GOP, elected Senate, North Carolina. BULLETIN: (AP) 11 Abortion Ban, South Dakota, Rejected. BULLETIN: (AP) Walden, GOP, elected House, District 2, Oregon. BULLETIN: (AP) Shimkus, GOP, elected House, District 19, Illinois. BULLETIN: (AP) Gallegly, GOP, elected House, District 24, California. BULLETIN: (AP) Johnson, GOP, elected House, District 15, Illinois. BULLETIN: (AP) Bishop, Dem, elected House, District 1, New York. BULLETIN: (AP) Lee, GOP, elected House, District 26, New York. BULLETIN: (AP) Straniere, GOP, elected House, District 13, New York. Page 6 of 15 These are TEST returns. They must not be broadcast or published. - Print Version - International Herald Tribune 10/1/08 4:50 AM BULLETIN: (AP) Slaughter, Dem, elected House, District 28, New York. BULLETIN: (AP) 102 Define Marriage, Arizona, Adopted. BULLETIN: (AP) 1 - Adoptive Parents, Arkansas, Adopted. BULLETIN: (AP) McCarthy, Dem, elected House, District 4, New York. BULLETIN: (AP) Lalor, GOP, elected House, District 19, New York. BULLETIN: (AP) Scalise, GOP, elected House, District 1, Louisiana. BULLETIN: (AP) Smith, GOP, elected House, District 3, Nebraska. BULLETIN: (AP) Lujan, Dem, elected House, District 3, New Mexico. BULLETIN: (AP) Herseth Sandlin, Dem, elected House, District 1, South Dakota. BULLETIN: (AP) McCrory, GOP, elected Governor, North Carolina. BULLETIN: (AP) Mulligan, GOP, elected House, District 2, Florida. BULLETIN: (AP) Levin, Dem, elected Senate, Michigan. BULLETIN: (AP) Kennedy, Dem, elected House, District 1, Rhode Island. BULLETIN: (AP) Wittman, GOP, elected House, District 1, Virginia. BULLETIN: (AP) King, GOP, elected House, District 3, New York. BULLETIN: (AP) Etheridge, Dem, elected House, District 2, North Carolina. BULLETIN: (AP) Inglis, GOP, elected House, District 4, South Carolina. BULLETIN: (AP) Ross, Dem, elected House, District 4, Arkansas. BULLETIN: (AP) Moran, GOP, elected House, District 1, Kansas. BULLETIN: (AP) Rehberg, GOP, elected House, District 1, Montana. BULLETIN: (AP) Hayes, GOP, elected House, District 8, North Carolina. BULLETIN: (AP) Harper, GOP, elected House, District 3, Mississippi. BULLETIN: (AP) Tinsley, GOP, elected House, District 2, New Mexico. BULLETIN: (AP) Fattah, Dem, elected House, District 2, Pennsylvania. BULLETIN: (AP) Clyburn, Dem, elected House, District 6, South Carolina. BULLETIN: (AP) Lamborn, GOP, elected House, District 5, Colorado. BULLETIN: (AP) Miller, Dem, elected House, District 13, North Carolina. BULLETIN: (AP) Brown, GOP, elected House, District 1, South Carolina. BULLETIN: (AP) Kanjorski, Dem, elected House, District 11, Pennsylvania. BULLETIN: (AP) Biggert, GOP, elected House, District 13, Illinois. BULLETIN: (AP) Ozinga, GOP, elected House, District 11, Illinois. BULLETIN: (AP) White, GOP, elected House, District 1, New Mexico. BULLETIN: (AP) Heller, GOP, elected House, District 2, Nevada. BULLETIN: (AP) Heller, GOP, elected House, District 9, Nevada. Page 7 of 15 These are TEST returns. They must not be broadcast or published. - Print Version - International Herald Tribune 10/1/08 4:50 AM BULLETIN: (AP) Schock, GOP, elected House, District 18, Illinois. BULLETIN: (AP) Conaway, GOP, elected House, District 11, Texas. BULLETIN: (AP) Lummis, GOP, elected House, District 1, Wyoming. BULLETIN: (AP) Rogers, GOP, elected House, District 3, Alabama. BULLETIN: (AP) Cassidy, GOP, elected House, District 6, Louisiana. BULLETIN: (AP) Roe, GOP, elected House, District 1, Tennessee. BULLETIN: (AP) Udall, Dem, elected Senate, Colorado. BULLETIN: (AP) Roberts, GOP, elected Senate, Kansas. BULLETIN: (AP) Davis, GOP, elected House, District 1, Mississippi. BULLETIN: (AP) Latta, GOP, elected House, District 5, Ohio. BULLETIN: (AP) Mumpower, GOP, elected House, District 11, North Carolina. BULLETIN: (AP) Barrett, GOP, elected House, District 3, South Carolina. BULLETIN: (AP) Spratt, Dem, elected House, District 5, South Carolina. BULLETIN: (AP) DeGette, Dem, elected House, District 1, Colorado. BULLETIN: (AP) Carmouche, Dem, elected House, District 4, Louisiana. BULLETIN: (AP) Wicker, GOP, elected Senate, Mississippi. BULLETIN: (AP) Kaptur, Dem, elected House, District 9, Ohio. BULLETIN: (AP) Gordon, Dem, elected House, District 6, Tennessee. BULLETIN: (AP) Wasserman Schultz, Dem, elected House, District 20, Florida. BULLETIN: (AP) Jefferson, Dem, elected House, District 2, Louisiana. BULLETIN: (AP) Baucus, Dem, elected Senate, Montana. BULLETIN: (AP) Bean, Dem, elected House, District 8, Illinois. BULLETIN: (AP) Larsen, Dem, elected House, District 2, Washington. BULLETIN: (AP) Miller, GOP, elected House, District 1, Florida. BULLETIN: (AP) Thornberry, GOP, elected House, District 13, Texas. BULLETIN: (AP) Daniels, GOP, elected Governor, Indiana. BULLETIN: (AP) Cravins, Dem, elected House, District 7, Louisiana. BULLETIN: (AP) Harkin, Dem, elected Senate, Iowa. BULLETIN: (AP) Napolitano, Dem, elected House, District 38, California. BULLETIN: (AP) Roskam, GOP, elected House, District 6, Illinois. BULLETIN: (AP) Olver, Dem, elected House, District 1, Massachusetts. BULLETIN: (AP) Paulsen, GOP, elected House, District 3, Minnesota. BULLETIN: (AP) Pitts, GOP, elected House, District 16, Pennsylvania. BULLETIN: (AP) Moran, Dem, elected House, District 8, Virginia. Page 8 of 15 These are TEST returns. They must not be broadcast or published. - Print Version - International Herald Tribune 10/1/08 4:50 AM BULLETIN: (AP) Obey, Dem, elected House, District 7, Wisconsin. BULLETIN: (AP) Hastings, Dem, elected House, District 23, Florida. BULLETIN: (AP) Kline, GOP, elected House, District 2, Minnesota. BULLETIN: (AP) Thompson, GOP, elected House, District 5, Pennsylvania. BULLETIN: (AP) Goodlatte, GOP, elected House, District 6, Virginia. BULLETIN: (AP) Tierney, Dem, elected House, District 6, Massachusetts. BULLETIN: (AP) Bishop, Dem, elected House, District 2, Georgia. BULLETIN: (AP) Terry, GOP, elected House, District 2, Nebraska. BULLETIN: (AP) Hart, GOP, elected House, District 4, Pennsylvania. BULLETIN: (AP) Capito, GOP, elected House, District 2, West Virginia. BULLETIN: (AP) Wolf, GOP, elected House, District 10, Virginia. BULLETIN: (AP) Deal, GOP, elected House, District 9, Georgia. BULLETIN: (AP) Shuster, GOP, elected House, District 9, Pennsylvania. BULLETIN: (AP) Chambliss, GOP, elected Senate, Georgia. BULLETIN: (AP) Snyder, Dem, elected House, District 2, Arkansas. BULLETIN: (AP) Bilirakis, GOP, elected House, District 9, Florida. BULLETIN: (AP) Peterson, Dem, elected House, District 7, Minnesota. BULLETIN: (AP) Schweitzer, Dem, elected Governor, Montana. BULLETIN: (AP) Cohen, Dem, elected House, District 9, Tennessee. BULLETIN: (AP) Marchant, GOP, elected House, District 24, Texas. BULLETIN: (AP) Frank, Dem, elected House, District 4, Massachusetts. BULLETIN: (AP) 46 Discrimination by Gov, Colorado, Adopted. BULLETIN: (AP) Hensarling, GOP, elected House, District 5, Texas. BULLETIN: (AP) Drake, GOP, elected House, District 2, Virginia. BULLETIN: (AP) Mica, GOP, elected House, District 7, Florida. BULLETIN: (AP) Shadegg, GOP, elected House, District 3, Arizona. BULLETIN: (AP) Sutton, Dem, elected House, District 13, Ohio. BULLETIN: (AP) Hackett, GOP, elected House, District 10, Pennsylvania. BULLETIN: (AP) Markey, Dem, elected House, District 7, Massachusetts. BULLETIN: (AP) 2 Decriminalize Marijuana, Massachusetts, Rejected. BULLETIN: (AP) 48 Definition of Person, Colorado, Adopted. BULLETIN: (AP) Carson, Dem, elected House, District 7, Indiana. BULLETIN: (AP) Knollenberg, GOP, elected House, District 9, Michigan. BULLETIN: (AP) Levin, Dem, elected House, District 12, Michigan. Page 9 of 15 These are TEST returns. They must not be broadcast or published. - Print Version - International Herald Tribune 10/1/08 4:50 AM BULLETIN: (AP) Ban Affirmative Action, Nebraska, Rejected. BULLETIN: (AP) Blumenauer, Dem, elected House, District 3, Oregon. BULLETIN: (AP) Barton, GOP, elected House, District 6, Texas. BULLETIN: (AP) Huntsman, GOP, elected Governor, Utah. BULLETIN: (AP) Gingrey, GOP, elected House, District 11, Georgia. BULLETIN: (AP) Visclosky, Dem, elected House, District 1, Indiana. BULLETIN: (AP) Porter, GOP, elected House, District 3, Nevada. BULLETIN: (AP) Cleaver, Dem, elected House, District 5, Missouri. BULLETIN: (AP) Duncan, GOP, elected House, District 2, Tennessee. BULLETIN: (AP) Gard, GOP, elected House, District 8, Wisconsin. BULLETIN: (AP) Honda, Dem, elected House, District 15, California. BULLETIN: (AP) Broun, GOP, elected House, District 10, Georgia. BULLETIN: (AP) Mack, GOP, elected House, District 14, Florida. BULLETIN: (AP) Diaz-Balart, GOP, elected House, District 21, Florida. BULLETIN: (AP) Dent, GOP, elected House, District 15, Pennsylvania. BULLETIN: (AP) Boozman, GOP, elected House, District 3, Arkansas. BULLETIN: (AP) Burton, GOP, elected House, District 5, Indiana. BULLETIN: (AP) Risch, GOP, elected Senate, Idaho. BULLETIN: (AP) Baldwin, Dem, elected House, District 2, Wisconsin. BULLETIN: (AP) Eshoo, Dem, elected House, District 14, California. BULLETIN: (AP) Lofgren, Dem, elected House, District 16, California. BULLETIN: (AP) Pastor, Dem, elected House, District 4, Arizona. BULLETIN: (AP) Flake, GOP, elected House, District 6, Arizona. BULLETIN: (AP) Young, GOP, elected House, District 10, Florida. BULLETIN: (AP) 2-Stem Cell Research, Michigan, Adopted. BULLETIN: (AP) Platts, GOP, elected House, District 19, Pennsylvania. BULLETIN: (AP) Davis, Dem, elected House, District 4, Tennessee. BULLETIN: (AP) Miller, GOP, elected House, District 42, California. BULLETIN: (AP) Coleman, GOP, elected Senate, Minnesota. BULLETIN: (AP) Diaz-Balart, GOP, elected House, District 25, Florida. BULLETIN: (AP) Moore, Dem, elected House, District 3, Kansas. BULLETIN: (AP) English, GOP, elected House, District 3, Pennsylvania. BULLETIN: (AP) Johnson, GOP, elected House, District 3, Texas. BULLETIN: (AP) Lerew, GOP, elected House, District 7, Colorado. Page 10 of 15 These are TEST returns. They must not be broadcast or published. - Print Version - International Herald Tribune 10/1/08 4:50 AM BULLETIN: (AP) Mitchell, Dem, elected House, District 5, Arizona. BULLETIN: (AP) Grijalva, Dem, elected House, District 7, Arizona. BULLETIN: (AP) Keller, GOP, elected House, District 8, Florida. BULLETIN: (AP) Wexler, Dem, elected House, District 19, Florida. BULLETIN: (AP) Nixon, Dem, elected Governor, Missouri. BULLETIN: (AP) Pomeroy, Dem, elected House, District 1, North Dakota. BULLETIN: (AP) Holden, Dem, elected House, District 17, Pennsylvania. BULLETIN: (AP) Murphy, GOP, elected House, District 18, Pennsylvania. BULLETIN: (AP) Hall, GOP, elected House, District 4, Texas. BULLETIN: (AP) Thompson, Dem, elected House, District 1, California. BULLETIN: (AP) Giffords, Dem, elected House, District 8, Arizona. BULLETIN: (AP) Brown-Waite, GOP, elected House, District 5, Florida. BULLETIN: (AP) Goddard, GOP, elected House, District 24, Georgia. BULLETIN: (AP) Goddard, GOP, elected House, District 8, Georgia. BULLETIN: (AP) Stearns, GOP, elected House, District 6, Florida. BULLETIN: (AP) Miller-Meeks, GOP, elected House, District 2, Iowa. BULLETIN: (AP) Davis, GOP, elected House, District 1, Minnesota. BULLETIN: (AP) Oberstar, Dem, elected House, District 8, Minnesota. BULLETIN: (AP) Fortenberry, GOP, elected House, District 1, Nebraska. BULLETIN: (AP) Cooper, Dem, elected House, District 5, Tennessee. BULLETIN: (AP) Blackburn, GOP, elected House, District 7, Tennessee. BULLETIN: (AP) Carter, GOP, elected House, District 31, Texas. BULLETIN: (AP) Cornyn, GOP, elected Senate, Texas. BULLETIN: (AP) Andal, GOP, elected House, District 11, California. BULLETIN: (AP) Salazar, Dem, elected House, District 3, Colorado. BULLETIN: (AP) Coffman, GOP, elected House, District 6, Colorado. BULLETIN: (AP) Kirkpatrick, Dem, elected House, District 1, Arizona. BULLETIN: (AP) Hirono, Dem, elected House, District 2, Hawaii. BULLETIN: (AP) Crenshaw, GOP, elected House, District 4, Florida. BULLETIN: (AP) Linder, GOP, elected House, District 25, Georgia. BULLETIN: (AP) Linder, GOP, elected House, District 7, Georgia. BULLETIN: (AP) Donnelly, Dem, elected House, District 2, Indiana. BULLETIN: (AP) Buyer, GOP, elected House, District 4, Indiana. BULLETIN: (AP) Barrow, Dem, elected House, District 12, Georgia. Page 11 of 15 These are TEST returns. They must not be broadcast or published. - Print Version - International Herald Tribune 10/1/08 4:50 AM BULLETIN: (AP) Jenkins, GOP, elected House, District 2, Kansas. BULLETIN: (AP) 1-Allow Medical Marijuana, Michigan, Rejected. BULLETIN: (AP) Murtha, Dem, elected House, District 12, Pennsylvania. BULLETIN: (AP) Schwartz, Dem, elected House, District 13, Pennsylvania. BULLETIN: (AP) Doyle, Dem, elected House, District 14, Pennsylvania. BULLETIN: (AP) Dailey, GOP, elected House, District 18, Ohio. BULLETIN: (AP) Hastings, GOP, elected House, District 4, Washington. BULLETIN: (AP) Jennings, Dem, elected House, District 13, Florida. BULLETIN: (AP) Musgrave, GOP, elected House, District 4, Colorado. BULLETIN: (AP) Price, GOP, elected House, District 6, Georgia. BULLETIN: (AP) Pence, GOP, elected House, District 6, Indiana. BULLETIN: (AP) Scott, Dem, elected House, District 13, Georgia. BULLETIN: (AP) Putnam, GOP, elected House, District 12, Florida. BULLETIN: (AP) Posey, GOP, elected House, District 15, Florida. BULLETIN: (AP) Turner, GOP, elected House, District 3, Ohio. BULLETIN: (AP) Gohmert, GOP, elected House, District 1, Texas. BULLETIN: (AP) Brady, GOP, elected House, District 8, Texas. BULLETIN: (AP) Doggett, Dem, elected House, District 25, Texas. BULLETIN: (AP) Franks, GOP, elected House, District 2, Arizona. BULLETIN: (AP) Kingston, GOP, elected House, District 1, Georgia. BULLETIN: (AP) Abercrombie, Dem, elected House, District 1, Hawaii. BULLETIN: (AP) Rooney, GOP, elected House, District 16, Florida. BULLETIN: (AP) Souder, GOP, elected House, District 3, Indiana. BULLETIN: (AP) DeFazio, Dem, elected House, District 4, Oregon. BULLETIN: (AP) LaTourette, GOP, elected House, District 14, Ohio. BULLETIN: (AP) Williams, GOP, elected House, District 7, Pennsylvania. BULLETIN: (AP) Neugebauer, GOP, elected House, District 19, Texas. BULLETIN: (AP) Latham, GOP, elected House, District 4, Iowa. BULLETIN: (AP) Miller, GOP, elected House, District 10, Michigan. BULLETIN: (AP) Manion, GOP, elected House, District 8, Pennsylvania. BULLETIN: (AP) Ryan, GOP, elected House, District 1, Wisconsin. BULLETIN: (AP) Sensenbrenner, GOP, elected House, District 5, Wisconsin. BULLETIN: (AP) Lungren, GOP, elected House, District 3, California. BULLETIN: (AP) Feeney, GOP, elected House, District 24, Florida. Page 12 of 15 These are TEST returns. They must not be broadcast or published. - Print Version - International Herald Tribune 10/1/08 4:50 AM BULLETIN: (AP) King, GOP, elected House, District 5, Iowa. BULLETIN: (AP) Bachmann, GOP, elected House, District 6, Minnesota. BULLETIN: (AP) Ehlers, GOP, elected House, District 3, Michigan. BULLETIN: (AP) Gerlach, GOP, elected House, District 6, Pennsylvania. BULLETIN: (AP) Wilson, Dem, elected House, District 6, Ohio. BULLETIN: (AP) Boswell, Dem, elected House, District 3, Iowa. BULLETIN: (AP) Larson, GOP, elected House, District 23, Texas. BULLETIN: (AP) Klein, Dem, elected House, District 22, Florida. BULLETIN: (AP) Baca, Dem, elected House, District 43, California. BULLETIN: (AP) Lee, Dem, elected House, District 9, California. BULLETIN: (AP) Stark, Dem, elected House, District 13, California. BULLETIN: (AP) Calvert, GOP, elected House, District 44, California. BULLETIN: (AP) Rohrabacher, GOP, elected House, District 46, California. BULLETIN: (AP) Austria, GOP, elected House, District 7, Ohio. BULLETIN: (AP) McCollum, Dem, elected House, District 4, Minnesota. BULLETIN: (AP) Cheeks Kilpatrick, Dem, elected House, District 13, Michigan. BULLETIN: (AP) Conyers, Dem, elected House, District 14, Michigan. BULLETIN: (AP) Graves, GOP, elected House, District 6, Missouri. BULLETIN: (AP) Clay, Dem, elected House, District 1, Missouri. BULLETIN: (AP) Rodgers, GOP, elected House, District 5, Washington. BULLETIN: (AP) McCotter, GOP, elected House, District 11, Michigan. BULLETIN: (AP) Tiberi, GOP, elected House, District 12, Ohio. BULLETIN: (AP) Nunes, GOP, elected House, District 21, California. BULLETIN: (AP) Simpson, GOP, elected House, District 2, Idaho. BULLETIN: (AP) Dingell, Dem, elected House, District 15, Michigan. BULLETIN: (AP) Wu, Dem, elected House, District 1, Oregon. BULLETIN: (AP) Hartsuch, GOP, elected House, District 1, Iowa. BULLETIN: (AP) Skelton, Dem, elected House, District 4, Missouri. BULLETIN: (AP) Blunt, GOP, elected House, District 7, Missouri. BULLETIN: (AP) Emerson, GOP, elected House, District 8, Missouri. BULLETIN: (AP) Jordan, GOP, elected House, District 4, Ohio. BULLETIN: (AP) Schrader, Dem, elected House, District 5, Oregon. BULLETIN: (AP) Bishop, GOP, elected House, District 1, Utah. BULLETIN: (AP) Stupak, Dem, elected House, District 1, Michigan. Page 13 of 15 These are TEST returns. They must not be broadcast or published. - Print Version - International Herald Tribune 10/1/08 4:50 AM BULLETIN: (AP) Camp, GOP, elected House, District 4, Michigan. BULLETIN: (AP) Upton, GOP, elected House, District 6, Michigan. BULLETIN: (AP) Carnahan, Dem, elected House, District 3, Missouri. BULLETIN: (AP) Kucinich, Dem, elected House, District 10, Ohio. BULLETIN: (AP) Johnson, Dem, elected House, District 30, Texas. BULLETIN: (AP) Hoekstra, GOP, elected House, District 2, Michigan. BULLETIN: (AP) Kildee, Dem, elected House, District 5, Michigan. BULLETIN: (AP) Rogers, GOP, elected House, District 8, Michigan. BULLETIN: (AP) Walberg, GOP, elected House, District 7, Michigan. BULLETIN: (AP) Ellison, Dem, elected House, District 5, Minnesota. BULLETIN: (AP) Petri, GOP, elected House, District 6, Wisconsin. BULLETIN: (AP) Smith, GOP, elected Senate, Oregon. BULLETIN: (AP) Akin, GOP, elected House, District 2, Missouri. BULLETIN: (AP) Baker, Dem, elected House, District 9, Missouri. BULLETIN: (AP) McCaul, GOP, elected House, District 10, Texas. BULLETIN: (AP) Baird, Dem, elected House, District 3, Washington. BULLETIN: (AP) Sali, GOP, elected House, District 1, Idaho. BULLETIN: (AP) Chaffetz, GOP, elected House, District 3, Utah. BULLETIN: (AP) Kind, Dem, elected House, District 3, Wisconsin. BULLETIN: (AP) Green, Dem, elected House, District 9, Texas. BULLETIN: (AP) Ortiz, Dem, elected House, District 27, Texas. BULLETIN: (AP) Smith, GOP, elected House, District 21, Texas. BULLETIN: (AP) Moore, Dem, elected House, District 4, Wisconsin. BULLETIN: (AP) Dicks, Dem, elected House, District 6, Washington. BULLETIN: (AP) Fudge, Dem, elected House, District 11, Ohio. BULLETIN: (AP) Matheson, Dem, elected House, District 2, Utah. BULLETIN: (AP) Culberson, GOP, elected House, District 7, Texas. BULLETIN: (AP) Burgess, GOP, elected House, District 26, Texas. BULLETIN: (AP) Cuellar, Dem, elected House, District 28, Texas. BULLETIN: (AP) Hinojosa, Dem, elected House, District 15, Texas. BULLETIN: (AP) Edwards, Dem, elected House, District 17, Texas. BULLETIN: (AP) Green, Dem, elected House, District 29, Texas. BULLETIN: (AP) Jackson Lee, Dem, elected House, District 18, Texas. BULLETIN: (AP) McDermott, Dem, elected House, District 7, Washington. Page 14 of 15


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