
ÿþObject 1 Object 2 Object 3 Object 4 Object 5 Object 6 Object 7 Object 8 Object 9 Object 10 Object 11 Object 12 Object 13 Object 14 Object 15 Object 16 Object 17 Object 18 Object 19 Object 20 Object 21 Object 31 Object22 Object23 Object24 Object25 Object26 Object27 Object28 Object29 Object30 Strona czynna i bierna - Passive Voice W jzyku angielskim podobnie jak w jzyku polskim zdania posiadaja strone czynn i biern. na pocztek przypomnijmy sobie jak wyglada strona czynna i bierna w jzyku polskim. strona czynna - Ja czesz wBosy strona bierna - WBosy s czesane przeze mnie Jak widzimy przy zamianie strony czynnej na biern, wyraz bedcy dopeBnieniem w stronie czynnej, bdzie podmiotem w stronie Ja(podmiot)czesz wBosy(dopeBnienie). WBosy((podmiot) s czesane przeze mnie(dopeBnienie). W jzyku angielskim wikszo[ zdaD wystepuje w stronie czynnej. np. The professor teaches the students. Profesor uczy studentów. professor-podmiot/wykonawca czynno[ci teaches-orzeczenie/czynnosc students-dopeBnienie/"odbiorca czynno[ci" Philip washes the dishes.-ta sama sytuacja co powy|ej. Philip myje naczynia. Angielsk stron biern tworzy si na tej samej zasadzie co w jzyku polskim.Podmiot staje si dopeBnieniem.czyli wykonawca czynno[ci zostaje przerzucony na koniec zdania, przez co staje si mniej wa|ny.natomiast odbiorca czynnosci staje sie podmiotem i gra teraz w zdaniu pierwsze skrzypce. a wic czynna: The professor teaches the students. to zdanie w stronie biernej ma postac nastepujc The students are taught by the professor. wtedy studenci (odbiorcy czynno[ci)staja si podmiotem,gBownym tematem zdania a profesor (wykonawca czynno[ci)w pewnym sensie traci swoja warto[, staje si dopeBnieniem,nie jest juz w tym zdaniu najwazniejszy. strone czynna tworzymy nastpujaco: podmiot(wykonawca czynno[ci) + czasownik+ dopeBnienie (odbiorca czynno[ci)+reszta zdania(jesli jest).np Tom cleans the house every week. Strone bierna tworzymy nastepujaco: podmiot(który w tym przypadku jest odbiorca czynno[ci)+odpowiednia forma "to be"+forma przeszBa czasownika regularnego lub 3 tabelka czasowników nieregularnych+by+dopeBnienie czyli wykonawca czynnosci+reszta zdania The house is cleaned by Tom every week. Strony biernej uzywamy ,gdy uwa|amy ,ze odbiorca czynno[ci jest wazniejszy od wykonawcy czynno[ci i chcemy to podkreslic lub gdy nie znamy wykonawcy czynno[ci czy te| nie chcemy go ujawnic. Wezmy za przykBad takie zdanie: Trawa jest koszona raz w miesicu. ZaBózmy, |e mieszkamy w bloku i nie wiemy tak naprawde kto ja kosi, wiemy natomiast ,|e kto[ to robi raz w miesicu. uzywamy wtedy strony biernej. The grass is cut once a month. ZaBó|my teraz ,ze chcemy komus si pochwali |e w nasz dom jest sprztany codziennie. w zdaniu natomiast nie chcemy ujawniac kim jest osoba,która go sprzata(nie chcemy lub nie czujemy takiej potrzeby). u|ywamy wic strony biernej. My house is cleaned every day. Tworzc strone biern musimy pamitac o tym ,|e czas si nie zmienia,a wic jesli strona czynna jest w present continuous to strona bierna bedzie równie| w present continuous. teraz popatrzmy jak tworzymy strone biern w ró|nych przypadkach czasów angielskich. Present Simple John walks his dog every day -the dog is walked by Tom every day Present Continuous Sarah is writing a book -The book is being written by Sarah. Simple Past Andrew repaired his bicycle -The bicycle was repaired by Andrew. Past Continuous The teacher was helping the student when they heard the noise. -The student was being helped by the teacher when they heard the noise. Present Perfect Many people have seen a ghost in the castle -A ghost has been seen in the castle by many people. *Present Perfect Continuous He has been cleaning the house for many hours -The house has been being cleaned for many hours. Past Perfect Ann had caused many accidents before she learned how to drive -Many accidents had been caused by Ann before she learned how to drive. *Past perfect Continuous (dla chtnych) Whitney Houston had been doing many concerts before she performed in Poland -Many concerts had been being done by Whitney Houston before she performed in Poland. Future Simple Someone will finish the project by tomorrow -The project will be finished by tomorrow. Future Simple(be going to) Emma is going to bake a cake -A cake is going to be baked by Emma *Future Continuous At 4pm Mark will be cleaning his room -at 4 pm the room will be being cleaned by Mark *Future Continuous(be going to) John is going to be cleaning the house in the evening -The house is going to be being cleaned by John in the evening Future Perfect Someone will have completed the article before the deadline -The article will have been completed before the deadline Future Perfect (be going to) They are going to have completed the articles before the deadline -The articles are going to have been completed before the deadline *Future Perfect Continuous They will have been painting the walls for two weeks before the work is finished -The walls will have been being painted for two weeks before the work is finished *Future Perfect Continuous(be going to) They are going to have been panting the walls for two weeks before the job is finished -The walls are going to have been being painted before the job is finished. Used to Carl used to pay the bills -The bills used to be paid by Carl Would always My mother would always clean the house -The house would always be cleaned by my mother. Future in the Past I knew Sally would finish her breakfast quickly -I knew breakfast would be finished quickly by Sally Future in the Past(was going to) I thought Emma an Mark were going to visit us -I thought we were going to be visited by Emma and Mark. Passive voice w Present Simple am/are/is + 3 forma czasownika (past participle) Stron biern buduje si z czasownikami wyra|ajcymi akcj. Nie wszystkie czasowniki moga posiada stron biern, np.: He is dead (on nie |yje). Utworzenie strony biernej tego zdania jest niemo|liwe, poniewa| brakuje w nim dopeBnienia, które w stronie biernej staBoby si podmiotem. PrzykBady tworzenia strony biernej w czasie Present Simple: " Strona czynna: I read a lot of books. (Czytam du|o ksi|ek) Strona bierna: A lot of books are read by me. (Du|o ksi|ek jest czytanych przeze mnie) " Strona czynna: She loves Mark. (Ona kocha Marka) Strona bierna: Mark is loved by her. (Marek jest przez ni kochany) " Strona czynna: People drive cars. (Ludzie prowadz samochody) Strona bierna: Cars are driven. (Samochodys prowadzone - mo|na doda przez ludzi, chocia| jest to raczej oczywiste) " Strona czynna: You write letters. (Piszesz listy) Strona bierna: Letters are written by you. (Listy s przez ciebie pisane) " Strona czynna: People look at me. (Ludzie patrz na mnie) Strona bierna: I am looked at. (Patrzy si na mnie) Passive voice w Past Simple was/were + 3 forma czasownika (past participle) Stron biern buduje si z czasownikami wyra|ajcymi akcj. Nie wszystkie czasowniki moga posiada stron biern, np.: He flew (On lataB). Utworzenie strony biernej tego zdania jest niemo|liwe, poniewa| brakuje w nim dopeBnienia, które w stronie biernej staBoby si podmiotem. PrzykBady tworzenia strony biernej w czasie Past Simple: " Strona czynna: You drove a bike. (KierowaBe[ motocyklem) Strona bierna: A bike was driven by you. (Motocykl byB kierowany przez ciebie) " Strona czynna: She loved him. (Ona kochaBa go) Strona bierna: He was loved by her. (On byB przez ni kochany) " Strona czynna: They lied to me. (Oni mnie okBamali) Strona bierna: I was lied to by them.(ByBem przez nich okBamany) " Strona czynna: They gave her the books. (Dali jej ksi|ki) Strona bierna: The books were given to her by them. (Ksi|ki zostaBy jej dane przez nich) " Strona czynna: People looked at me. (Ludzie patrzyli na mnie) Strona bierna: I was looked at. (Patrzono na mnie) Passive voice w Future Simple will be + 3 forma czasownika (past participle) Stron biern buduje si z czasownikami wyra|ajcymi akcj. Nie wszystkie czasowniki moga posiada stron biern, np.: They will be there (Oni tam bd). Utworzenie strony biernej tego zdania jest niemo|liwe, poniewa| brakuje w nim dopeBnienia, które w stronie biernej staBoby si podmiotem. PrzykBady tworzenia strony biernej w czasie Future Simple: " Strona czynna: She will buy a car. (Ona kupi samochód) Strona bierna: A car will be bought by her. (Samochód zostanie przez ni kupiony) " Strona czynna: They will study English. (Oni bd uczy si angielskiego) Strona bierna: English will be studied. (Angielskiego bdzie si uczyBo) " Strona czynna: He will sit on the sofa. (On usidzie na sofie) Strona bierna: The sofa will be sat on by him.(Sofa bdzie zajta przez niego - sBowo 'usidnita' nie za bardzo pasuje w tym zdaniu :-) " Strona czynna: I will give you a pen. (Dam ci dBugopis) Strona bierna: You will be given a pen /A pen will be given to you by me (Dostaniesz dBugopis ode mnie lub dBugopis bdzie ci dany przeze mnie) " Strona czynna: People will laugh at you. (Ludzie bda si z ciebie [miali) Strona bierna: You will be laughed at. (Zostaniesz wy[miany - wiadomo |e przez ludzi) Passive voice w Present Perfect have/has been + 3 forma czasownika (past participle) Stron biern buduje si z czasownikami wyra|ajcymi akcj. Nie wszystkie czasowniki moga posiada stron biern, np.: They have been here (Byli tutaj). Utworzenie strony biernej tego zdania jest niemo|liwe, poniewa| brakuje w nim dopeBnienia, które w stronie biernej staBoby si podmiotem. PrzykBady tworzenia strony biernej w czasie Present Perfect : " Strona czynna: I have finished my homework. (SkoDczyBem prac domow) Strona bierna: My homework has been finished. (Moja praca domowa zostaBa skonczona) " Strona czynna: She has read the book. (PrzeczytaBa ta ksi|k) Strona bierna: The book has been read by her. (Ksi|ka zostaBa przez ni przeczytana) " Strona czynna: They have sung a song. (Za[piewali piosenk) Strona bierna: A song has been sung by them. (Piosenka zostaBa przez nich za[piewana) " Strona czynna: He has written a letter. (NapisaB list) Strona bierna: A letter has been written by him (List zostaB przez niego napisany) Passive voice w Past Perfect had been + 3 forma czasownika (past participle) Stron biern buduje si z czasownikami wyra|ajcymi akcj. Nie wszystkie czasowniki moga posiada stron biern, np.: They had been here (Byli tutaj). Utworzenie strony biernej tego zdania jest niemo|liwe, poniewa| brakuje w nim dopeBnienia, które w stronie biernej staBoby si podmiotem. PrzykBady tworzenia strony biernej w czasie Past Perfect : " Strona czynna: I had finished my homework. (SkoDczyBem pracdo mow) Strona bierna: My homework had been finished. (Moja praca domowa zostaBa skonczona) " Strona czynna: She had read the book. (PrzeczytaBa ta ksi|k) Strona bierna: The book had been read by her. (Ksi|ka zostaBa przez ni przeczytana) " Strona czynna: They had sung a song. (Za[piewali piosenk) Strona bierna: A song had been sung by them. (Piosenka zostaBa przez nich za[piewana) " Strona czynna: He had written a letter. (NapisaB list) Strona bierna: A letter had been written by him (List zostaB przez niego napisany) Passive voice w Future Perfect will have been + 3 forma czasownika (past participle) Stron biern buduje si z czasownikami wyra|ajcymi akcj. Nie wszystkie czasowniki moga posiada stron biern, np.: They will have been here by lunch (Bd tutaj do lanchu). Utworzenie strony biernej tego zdania jest niemo|liwe, poniewa| brakuje w nim dopeBnienia, które w stronie biernej staBoby si podmiotem. PrzykBady tworzenia strony biernej w czasieFuture Perfect : " Strona czynna: I will have finished my homework by dinner. (SkoDcz prac domow do obiadu) Strona bierna: My homework will have been finished by dinner. (Moja praca domowa zostanie skonczona do obiadu) " Strona czynna: She will have read the book by next week. (Przeczyta t ksi|k do przyszBego tygodnia) Strona bierna: The book will have been read by her by next week. (Ksi|ka zostanie przez ni przeczytana do przyszBego tygodnia) " Strona czynna: They will have done this job for two years this week. (Bd wykonywa t prac przez dwa lata w tym tygodniu) Strona bierna: This job will have been done by them for two years this week. (Ta praca bdzie przez nich wykonywana od dwóch lat w tym tygodniu) " Strona czynna: He will have written a letter by 10. (Napisze list do dziesitej) Strona bierna: A letter will have been written by him by 10. (List zostanie przez niego napisany do 10) Passive voice w Present Continuous am/are/is being + 3 forma czasownika (past participle) Stron biern buduje si z czasownikami wyra|ajcymi akcj. Nie wszystkie czasowniki moga posiada stron biern, np.: They are studying (Ucz si). Utworzenie strony biernej tego zdania jest niemo|liwe, poniewa| brakuje w nim dopeBnienia, które w stronie biernej staBoby si podmiotem. PrzykBady tworzenia strony biernej w czasie Present Continuous: " Strona czynna: I'm driving a car. (Prowadz samochód) Strona bierna: A car is being driven by me. (Samochód jest przeze mnie prowadzony) " Strona czynna: She is holding a book. (Ona trzyma ksi|k) Strona bierna: A book is being held by her. (Ksi|ka jest przez ni trzymana) " Strona czynna: They are singing a song. ([piewaj piosenk) Strona bierna: A song is being sung by them. (Piosenka jest przez nich [piewana) " Strona czynna: He is shooting a gun. (On strzela z karabinu) Strona bierna: A gun is being shot by him (Karabin jest strzelany przez niego) " Strona czynna: People are looking at me, (Ludzie patrz na mnie) Strona bierna: I am being looked at. (Patrzy si na mnie) Passive voice w Past Continuous were/was being + 3 forma czasownika (past participle) Stron biern buduje si z czasownikami wyra|ajcymi akcj. Nie wszystkie czasowniki moga posiada stron biern, np.: They were studying (Uczyli si). Utworzenie strony biernej tego zdania jest niemo|liwe, poniewa| brakuje w nim dopeBnienia, które w stronie biernej staBoby si podmiotem. PrzykBady tworzenia strony biernej w czasie Past Continuous: " Strona czynna: I was driving a car. (ProwadziBem samochód) Strona bierna: A car was being driven by me. (Samochód byB przeze mnie prowadzony) " Strona czynna: She was holding a book. (Ona trzymaBa ksi|k) Strona bierna: A book was being held by her. (Ksi|ka byBa przez ni trzymana) " Strona czynna: They were singing a song. (Zpiewali piosenk) Strona bierna: A song was being sung by them. (Piosenka byBa przez nich [piewana) " Strona czynna: He was shooting a gun. (On strzelaB z karabinu) Strona bierna: A gun was being shot by him (Karabin byB strzelany przez niego) " Strona czynna: People were looking at me, (Ludzie patrzyli na mnie) Strona bierna: I was being looked at. (Patrzono na mnie) wiczenia strona bierna  strona czynna 1 Put into passive: 1.They make shoes in that factory. Shoes ____________ in that factory. 2.People read books. Books _____________ 3.Frank is driving a van. A van ________________ by Frank. 4.He has been building houses for years. Houses _____________ by him for years. 5.Frank was carrying a suitcase. A suitcase _____________ by Frank. 6. I made a decision. A decision_______________. 7. She will send the letter. The letter _________________ by her. 8.We are flying the plane. The plane ________________ by us. 9.My father has bought a house. The house _________________ by my father. 10. He is going to say something. Something ___________________ 2 Change the sentences from the active to the passive. They grow coffee in Kenya. 1 ______________________________________________________ . They publish The Times newspaper in London. 2 ______________________________________________________ . They make shoes in Calatayud. 3 ______________________________________________________ . They transport oranges from Valencia to Germany in special crates. 4 ______________________________________________________ . They are sending the parcel by sea. 5 ______________________________________________________ . They are destroying the forests in Indonesia. 6 ______________________________________________________ . The shark ate the man. 7 ______________________________________________________ . The arsonist started the fire. 8 ______________________________________________________ . The police took him away. 9 ______________________________________________________ . They've treated him very well. 10 ______________________________________________________ . They haven't cleaned the kitchen yet. 11 ______________________________________________________ . They didn't punish him for what he did. 12 ______________________________________________________ . 3 Change into passive voice: 1.Somebody has broken a glass. __________________________________________ 2.She is photocopying the documents. __________________________________________ 3.People hunt elephants for ivory. __________________________________________ 4.You must turn off the TV at midnight. __________________________________________ 5.The Polish eat many loaves of bread every year. __________________________________________ 6.He has just combed his hair. __________________________________________ 7.The workers are building many new roads in Poland. __________________________________________ 8.Shakespeare wrote 'Hamlet'. __________________________________________ 9.Adam will finish this phone call in 5 minutes. __________________________________________ 10.They have bought a new DVD system. __________________________________________ 11.Tina was doing a crossword all yesterday evening. __________________________________________ 12.I didn't send this telegram. __________________________________________ 13.My mother never gives me a morning kiss. __________________________________________ 14.A lot of people enjoy sport. __________________________________________ 15.John offered me a new job. __________________________________________ 16.We should have seen this exhibition. __________________________________________ 17.Danny will receive an important letter next week. __________________________________________ 18.This hotel doesn't provide breakfast. __________________________________________ 19.Our kids will have eaten some pizza by noon. __________________________________________ 20.James had seen the cat before he closed the window. __________________________________________ 4 Change the sentences from the active to the passive. 1.You must send this letter today. __________________________________________ 2.Someone is watching my parents. __________________________________________ 3.Nobody will read this article. __________________________________________ 4.We won't deliver the sofa today. __________________________________________ 5.The company employs 500 people. __________________________________________ 6.Who composed 'Carmen'? __________________________________________ 7.You have to tell me the story again. __________________________________________ 8.My father gave this watch to me on my 18th birthday. __________________________________________ 9.The cleaning lady cleans the rooms everyday. __________________________________________ 10.They aren't making these envelopes at present. __________________________________________ 11.I will never forget this story. __________________________________________ 12.They are watering some plants. __________________________________________ 13.Have your sisters decorated the room? __________________________________________ 14.I feed my dog twice a day. __________________________________________ 15.I sent out the invitations 2 weeks ago. __________________________________________ 16.The rivals have beaten my team once so far. __________________________________________ 17.Dali painted this picture when he was 30. __________________________________________ 18.We must save energy. __________________________________________ 19.They make red wine from red grapes. __________________________________________ 20.They will cancel the picnic if it rains. __________________________________________ 5 Put into passive: 1.We _______________ observe when we were going home last night. 2.My parents __________________ expect to come back next Monday. 3.My article _________________ comment on in tomorrow's paper. 4.George felt ill and he ___________________ examine by a doctor yesterday. 5.I _________________ not/ask out since last summer. 6.Her work can't __________________ continue right now. 7.I'm afraid the bank ___________________ close at the moment. 8.I could ______________________ kill in that accident if I hadn't fastened a seat-belt. 9.You _______________________ shut in your room until you tell me the truth. 10.My children ____________________ raise mainly by me as my husband was often away. 11.The date of the meeting _____________________ not/decide yet. 12.The road mustn't _____________________ cross in here. 13Picking your nose in company _____________________ consider very rude. 14.The delay of our plane _________________________ announce when we reached the airport. 15.You ought to __________________________ instruct in the use of a computer a long time ago. 16.That sculpture _________________ create by a friend of mine last year. 17.Washing up _____________________ do by my wife as I prefer hoovering the flat. 18.Jane shouldn't ______________________ promise that car last year. 19.All meetings ____________________ hold in the afternoons last month. 20.Our journey must ______________________ plan carefully before we go Odpowiedzi: 1 1.Shoes are made in that factory. 2.Books are read. 3.A van is being driven by Frank. 4.Houses have been built by him for years. 5.A suitcase was being carried by Frank. 6.A decision was made. 7.The letter will be sent by her. 8. The plane is being flown by us 9.The house has been bought by my father. 10. Something is going to be said 2 1 Coffee is grown in Kenya. 2 The Times newspaper is published in London. 3 Shoes are made in Calatayud. 4 Oranges are transported from Valencia to Germany in special crates. 5 The parcel is being sent by sea. 6 The forests of Indonesia are being destroyed. 7 The man was eaten by the shark. 8 The fire was started by the arsonist. 9 He was taken away by the police. 10 He's been treated very well. 11 The kitchen hasn't been cleaned yet. 12 He wasn't punished for what he did. 3 1.A glass has been broken. 2.The documents are being photocopied. 3.Elephants are hunted for ivory. 4.The TV must be turned off at midnight. 5.Many loaves of bread are eaten by the Polish every year. 6.His hair has just been combed. 7.Many new roads are being built in Poland by workers. 8.'Hamlet' was written by Shakespeare. 9.This phone call will be finished in 5 minutes by Adam. 10.A new DVD system has been bought. 11.A crossword was being done all yesterday evening by Tina. 12.This telegram was not sent. 13.I am never given a morning kiss by my mother. 14.Sport is enjoyed by a lot of people. 15.I was offered a new job by John. 16.This exhibition should have been seen. 17.An important letter will be received by Danny next week. 18.Breakfast is not provided by this hotel. 19.Some pizza will have been eaten by our kids by noon. 20.The cat had been seen by James before he closed the window. 4 1.This letter must be sent today. 2.My parents are being watched. 3.This article will not be read. 4.The sofa will not be delivered today. 5.500 people are employed by the company. 6.Who was 'Carmen' composed by? 7.The story has to be told again. 8.I was given this watch by my father on my 18th birthday. 9.The rooms are cleaned everyday. 10.These envelopes are not being made at present. 11.This story will never be forgotten. 12.Some plants are being watered. 13.Has the room been decorated by your sisters? 14.My dog is fed twice a day. 15.The invitations were sent out 2 weeks ago. 16.My team has been beaten once so far. 17.This picture was painted by Dali when he was 30. 18.Energy must be saved. 19.Red wine is made from red grapes. 20.The picnic will be cancelled if it rains. 5 1.We were being observed when we were going home last night. 2.My parents are expected to come back next Monday. 3.My article will be commented on in tomorrow's paper. 4.George felt ill and he was examined by a doctor yesterday. 5.I haven't been asked out since last summer. 6.Her work can't be continued right now. 7.I'm afraid the bank is being closed at the moment. 8.I could have been killed in that accident if I hadn't fastened a seat-belt. 9.You will be shut in your room until you tell me the truth. 10.My children were raised mainly by me as my husband was often away. 11.The date of the meeting hasn't been decided yet. 12.The road mustn't be crossed in here. 13.Picking your nose in company is considered very rude. 14.The delay of our plane was being announced when we reached the airport. 15.You ought to have been instructed in the use of a computer a long time ago. 16.That sculpture was created by a friend of mine last year. 17.Washing up is usually done by my wife as I prefer hoovering the flat. 18.Jane shouldn't have been promised that car last year. 19.All meetings were held in the afternoons last month. 20.Our journey must be planned carefully before we go.


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