
Class java.lang.reflect.Modifier All Packages Class Hierarchy This Package Previous Next Index Class java.lang.reflect.Modifier java.lang.Object | +----java.lang.reflect.Modifier public class Modifier extends Object The Modifier class provides static methods and constants to decode class and member access modifiers. See Also: getModifiers, getModifiers ABSTRACT FINAL INTERFACE NATIVE PRIVATE PROTECTED PUBLIC STATIC SYNCHRONIZED TRANSIENT VOLATILE Modifier() isAbstract(int) Return true if the specifier integer includes the abstract modifier. isFinal(int) Return true if the specifier integer includes the final modifier. isInterface(int) Return true if the specifier integer includes the interface modifier. isNative(int) Return true if the specifier integer includes the native modifier. isPrivate(int) Return true if the specifier integer includes the private modifier. isProtected(int) Return true if the specifier integer includes the protected modifier. isPublic(int) Return true if the specified integer includes the public modifier. isStatic(int) Return true if the specifier integer includes the static modifier. isSynchronized(int) Return true if the specifier integer includes the synchronized modifier. isTransient(int) Return true if the specifier integer includes the transient modifier. isVolatile(int) Return true if the specifier integer includes the volatile modifier. toString(int) Return a string describing the access modifier flags in the specified modifier. PUBLIC public static final int PUBLIC PRIVATE public static final int PRIVATE PROTECTED public static final int PROTECTED STATIC public static final int STATIC FINAL public static final int FINAL SYNCHRONIZED public static final int SYNCHRONIZED VOLATILE public static final int VOLATILE TRANSIENT public static final int TRANSIENT NATIVE public static final int NATIVE INTERFACE public static final int INTERFACE ABSTRACT public static final int ABSTRACT Modifier public Modifier() isPublic public static boolean isPublic(int mod) Return true if the specified integer includes the public modifier. isPrivate public static boolean isPrivate(int mod) Return true if the specifier integer includes the private modifier. isProtected public static boolean isProtected(int mod) Return true if the specifier integer includes the protected modifier. isStatic public static boolean isStatic(int mod) Return true if the specifier integer includes the static modifier. isFinal public static boolean isFinal(int mod) Return true if the specifier integer includes the final modifier. isSynchronized public static boolean isSynchronized(int mod) Return true if the specifier integer includes the synchronized modifier. isVolatile public static boolean isVolatile(int mod) Return true if the specifier integer includes the volatile modifier. isTransient public static boolean isTransient(int mod) Return true if the specifier integer includes the transient modifier. isNative public static boolean isNative(int mod) Return true if the specifier integer includes the native modifier. isInterface public static boolean isInterface(int mod) Return true if the specifier integer includes the interface modifier. isAbstract public static boolean isAbstract(int mod) Return true if the specifier integer includes the abstract modifier. toString public static String toString(int mod) Return a string describing the access modifier flags in the specified modifier. For example: public final synchronized private transient volatile The modifier names are return in canonical order, as specified by The Java Language Specification. All Packages Class Hierarchy This Package Previous Next Index Submit a bug or feature - Version 1.1.7 of Java Platform API Specification Java is a trademark or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the US and other countries. Copyright 1995-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, California, 94303, U.S.A. All Rights Reserved.


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