• Pierwwy program w V.?ilogic.vip - Unitromci Viwlogic OPIĆ I0€ • (ledder Application <1 Mam Module.! Mam Routme)) |P'Q)c<t | Edit ¥*w jme«t Build tonnectKm Itóóm Htjll IooK Help
□ Mwr-Er &*"•
System Deicnpticnt <0 Import Subrcutme 9» Ej port Sufcroutme
Open Project F4ei .VIV .VJV. V4V .V57/ .V1<V .V7D/ .C1V X3V .C4V .C$7/ XMV X70
Create Lid der Paisword
TCP/IP Project Settmgi
tvrłm InuriM
• Create Project File* Clone. vdf, xU\. .ura and ixc
Setact a tao to craaie drterent typa* ot conpressed Mas tor •ffaram purpoaaa
5 Clona F*e V4J. C43(SO) | *3 OownMder Fta ( vdf. dvi> HMi&sMys (ura wc)^
Create a ca cne Ma tor Dwonya mat can ba uaad win Operator Ttua cacne Ma mprove» Remote Access depłay jrapoc r-eges w«>en usng Ramota Operator
Access and Remoee tns and irus* be used to
■ Uonochroma Vson ( ura ries)
A ura cecme Me enables Remote Operator to Md Oeottys mora ouctty (nota mat V130. wluef) Oads daptays guctly does not use ura Mes )
da kc ■ not used mages are not dapiayed and font* m#y be dstorted A ca cne *te rcbdes tonts end cen ncWe r-eges if me Ma does not ncbde reges. a red X depteys n place ot grapnca