Melakukan pencarian vendor barang/jasa sesuai kebutuhan
Melakukan proses pengadaan barang/jasa hingga penerimaan barang selesai Melakukan negosiasi dengan vendorterkait dengan pengadaan barang Melakukan tender
Memastikan agar proses pengadaan barang dan jasa berjalan dengan lancer
Membina hubungan baik dengan SupplierA/endor Membuat laporan pembelian
Kandidat harus memiliki setidaknya Diploma di bidang apapun
Setidaknya memiliki 2 tahun pengalaman dałam bidang yang sesuai untuk posisi ini Usia maksimal 35 tahun Bersedia test dan ditempatkan di Mempawah Kalimantan Barat
Mampu mencari dan menganalisa calon supplier yang sesuai dengan materiał yang dibutuhkan Kemampuan negosiasi Mampu memilih/seleksi rekanan pengadaan sesuai kriteria perusahaan
Bersedia melakukan pembelian di lapangan/keluar kantor
Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan Bertanggungjawab terhadap pekerjaan yang diberikan
Menguasai Komputer (Microsoft Office)
Application is closed on August 15, 2020
PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum (Persero) partner with PT Antam Tbk (SOE) build a Smelter Grade Alumina Refinery (SGAR) in West Kalimantan. The goal is to increase the added value ot bauxite products to alumina (huge investment).
The SGAR project construction consists of two stages with a total production capacity of two million tons of alumina. For phase one with a capacity of 1 million tons of SGA, the ground breaking is planned for the beginning of 2019.
SGAR Project is National Strategie Project which connects the interrupted supply choin between Bauxite Minę (IUP Antam) and Aluminium Smelter Plant (INALUM)
BAI), the two companies will work together to build a refining plant to process bauxite into alumina, which is the main raw materiał for making aluminum ingots. INALUM itself is the only aluminum ingot producer in Indonesia, and will later absorb most of the alumina from PT BAI.
(website : www.bai.id)
How to Apply :
Send your application to e-mail: reeruitment&.bai.id, or Subject: POMPW Your Name, attach in
one PDF Format file include your Application Letter, Curriculum Vitae, ID Card (KTP or SIM), Degree Certificate, Academic Transcript, Related Certificates, and Photo.
PT Borneo Alumina Indonesia reserves the right of the candidate selection and only short listed candidates will be notified. Please be warned of fraudulent job offers. PT Borneo Alumina Indonesia follows a comprehensive reeruitment process which includes persona! interview, and we do not make employment offers solely on the basis of a candidate’s CV. Moreover, reeruitment to any post is conducted through internat HR & GA Department and is not outsourced to any external agencies or individuals. PT Borneo Alumina Indonesia also does not solicit any payment from candidates at any stage of reeruitment process. The entire reeruitment process is free of charge, including not using reimbursement
schemes for trawę! and accommodation expenses.